COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Tweets and headlines can be brutal. Sometimes you have to read the article in depth and even go to the source material to understand the narrative is unsupported.

It’s almost impossible to do.

Scientists invents a better than best hopes vaccine that could have virtually eliminated COVID after a mere 18 months. Vaccine fails to end the pandemic because of poor rollout/mutations dooming us to indefinite years of restrictions and deaths. Not the ending anyone wants but, frankly, the ending the western world deserves and has earned.


Emirati airlines first to use app to log tests and vaccines

Emirates and Etihad have announced that they will be among the first airlines in the world to test a mobile app for passengers to record their coronavirus test results and vaccine records.

The two companies, which are both based in the UAE, said in separate statements on Tuesday that they were working together with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to test the IATA Travel Pass in the first quarter of 2021.

The app will initially be tested on limited routes in the first quarter of this year, with Emirates offering the app to passengers from Dubai to verify their coronavirus test results before travel. The app will also provide information about travel and entry restrictions across various countries.

It will also let labs and test centres “securely send test results or vaccination certificates to passengers” Emirates’ said.

Many countries and a number of airlines currently require passengers to provide a negative PCR result in the days before departure.

The pandemic has negatively affected airlines across the world, with figures from Eurocontrol showing that UK flights were down 82% yesterday compared to the equivalent day in 2019.

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I checked out the Green Bay Packers SBNation site to catch up on news and saw a story about how the players loved having fans at the last game. Ok, cool. I wasn’t thrilled that there were fans, but they looked pretty spread out, so I guess it might be ok.

A couple commenters said they were at the game and it was fun. Another asked how loud it was because it was tough to tell on television…FROM THE PACKERS BAR WHERE HE WAS WATCHING.


The packers only had 7k fans in their stadium that fits 81k, I think the chiefs had more than double that in a stadium that fits less lol

New York Stated passed 40,000 deaths the other day

Working hard, thank you!

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Cuomo should read a good book about leadership in a crisis, he might find it helpful.


Typical Czech Republic. Send one woman to jail for three years for breaking quarantine and everybody else will fall into place

Of course this incident occurred December 2020 which was long after people started ignoring quarantine restrictions. That’s what makes it typical Czech Republic.

As for vaccination, apparently the computerized system made appointments without considering the vaccine supply at the hospital patients were going to. This means a bunch of those appointments were cancelled.

EDIT: Yeah they’re in Czech. Use Google Translate extension for your browser.

FoxNews back in their comfort zone.

I never would have guessed that Green Bay has one of the largest capacity stadiums in the NFL.

I only heard Andrew Cuomo speak for the first time the other day and it was viscerally unpleasant. Confused about how he got elected to anything.

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Didn’t Canada buy (i.e., pre-order) like several fold more vaccine than they needed? How much Moderna do they have?

Grunching so I might have missed this being discussed, but apparently here in Georgia towards the end of the pharmacy shift at the grocery store they are going on the loudspeaker saying “there are x covid vaccines available that need to be used today, if anyone wants to be vaccinated immediately.” This obviously raises the possibility of trying to deliberately come into such a situation.

Has anyone heard of this?

I had before settled on the ethical conclusion that if someone has a vaccine available for you to take, it would be unethical not to take it. This calculus might be a little different if you’re seeking it out (and say more than x people materialize who want the vaccine at that moment–do you assert your spot in line?). But, on balance, if there’s any chance of a vaccine going to waste that day, it’s almost certainly better to take the vaccine. Not sure how they arrange the second shot; presumably they give you an appointment as you take the first.

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Yeah, I think everyone here is on team “get the vaccine if you can and don’t feel bad”. You’re helping more than just yourself. I’m sure we can construct hypothetical examples where you should not jump at the opportunity, but they would all be quite contrived.


Awesome. Well I’m about to very non-hypothetically call the Kroger pharmacy tomorrow and ask them what the deal is.


I’m guessing you don’t know many New Yawkas.

It wasn’t the accent or the brusqueness, he’s just insanely condescending.

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Thermometers indicated that the doses got too hot during shipment. State is consulting with the manufacturer to see if everything has to be thrown out. Article also mentions that other states may be experiencing the same issue, but was kinda fuzzy about the exact extent.

My brother and his wife live in DC and have said this has been happening at grocery stores in their area as well. Word got out though and the stores were seeing long lines of people shortly before closing when they only had one or two extra doses. Absolutely get the shot if you are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time cause USA#192 has made this an every man for themselves situation.