COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Obvious statement is obvious, but man, is this vaccine rollout fucked.

I asked my parents (77 and 75 this year) if they’ve gotten a shot yet. My dad said no, that they are waiting on calls from their doctors.

A little later, he texted that they just signed up to get vaccinated on Friday. My aunt “found a pharmacy from a friend who’s a doctor’s wife.”

So nice that we need a telephone tree to build herd immunity.

Fuck, vaccine moms was going to get via nurse sister was part of the Moderna batch that got recalled. Now we have no idea when they will get more :(


I am also largely in favor of (other people) taking risks that generate gains (that mostly accrue to me) for society. I’m an enterprising fellow, where do I go to pick up medal?

In politics the best you can do is elect the least bad option.

75 yo mom and dad in New York got appointments at the end of March. Pretty meh.

I work for a major grocery company in Florida that is being tapped to help with the vaccine rollout in Florida and a few other states. it’s kinda cool to see us go from like 10 stores offering the vaccine to over 200 in the span of about a week and a half. and I’m sure more will be announced this week.

I’ve been really hard on the company for some of our policies during covid so it’s nice to see us really help the push to hopefully save lives.

it’s not an ideal approach to mass vaccinations but progress is being made.


I’d be interested in knowing how many vaccinations can be done at one store a day, and if they’re doing it by appointment. Seems like they would have to. And I can’t see how someone actually thought that pharmacists giving shots in between filling orders would be an efficient or fast way of getting to herd immunity, but agree its a start.

As of yesterday, the U.S. has administered 13.6 million first doses and 15.7 million total doses.

The vaccination is only approved for people over the age of 16. I did a quick search and didn’t find a population number for that exact age range, but I did find that roughly 255.2 million Americans are age 18 or older. So 5.3% of that population has received at least one dose.

That’s, uh, a good start!

Probably related news - my mom in Florida was able to get a vaccination reservation at the local Publix for tomorrow. Super relieved.


I don’t know the amount one store can do per day, but I do know it’s by appointment.

we will move pharmacists around for the flu shot if we think the demand will be there, so it’s possible to expand our capabilities with our current workforce. I am fairly certain we’ll use all the vaccine quantity we’re delivered.

no clue what the policy will be if people don’t show up.

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Wait wut? 400,000? I was assured that was FAKE NEWS.

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Wow. That’s surprisingly good.

Czech Republic hasn’t reached 1% yet. People under 80 aren’t eligible to get a vaccine here yet.

No, now that Uncle Joe is President* the Chinese Flu has killed MILLIONS and its all the fault of the Demonrats and SOCIALISM.

*not my President, ldo

Another area where the transition felt they did not have adequate access was Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s effort to develop and distribute Covid-19 vaccines. The Pentagon initially rebuffed the transition’s request to meet with Gen. Gustave Perna, Warp Speed’s chief operating officer.

Perna was present at a meeting between the Pentagon and Health and Human Services transition teams in mid-December, but he did not answer any questions. It wasn’t until last week that the DoD transition team got to meet with Perna in a smaller setting.

But across the department, even when the transition team did meet with DoD officials, both civilian and military, they were often tight-lipped, as if they were given explicit guidance about what they could and could not talk about. Those suspicions were confirmed when the first transition official bumped into a “very high-ranking” military official a week after their meeting, and the officer apologized for his clipped answers.

“We were alone, and he told me ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t able to tell you more, but I was given very strict instructions,’” the transition official said.

The Biden team was also frustrated by the lack of cooperation around the upcoming budget request, a concern Biden himself cited in December and that a second transition official called “laughable.” In particular, the Biden team struggled to get details on the Trump administration’s efforts to siphon resources from military construction projects to the border wall, and funding for the Covid-19 response.

I’m assuming that the Biden administration COVID response is 1-2 months behind where it would be if the Trump administration had the basic competence of previous Republican administrations.

Biden step 1: walk back 100 million vaccines in 100 days and try to make sure he doesnt strangle his presidency in the crib by being saddled with the blame for the catastrophe coming over the next month or two.

Some of this likely Osterholm’s influence. He’s quoted in the article, has been a pretty bearish guy on the pandemic, and thinks we are in the bottom of the third inning at best this pandemic with a massive variant drive spike in cases and deaths coming coming and likely a material decline in vaccine effectiveness from the new strains.

So I’d expect the initial action from the Biden administration to be a combination of laying the ground work for a better approach and trying to get Americans geared up for reality; that the worst days of the pandemic is likely the immediate months to come, that K-8 opening over the first 100 days isnt going to happen, that a 2021 return to normalcy isnt going to happen, and that Euro lockdowns are a preview of coming attractions for what is needed here as the new pandemic spreads throughout the US.

(Bloomberg) –

President Joe Biden’s team is increasingly worried the coronavirus pandemic is spiraling out of control – imperiling his promise to contain the outbreak – as cases and deaths mount, vaccinations lag and a more-transmissible strain emerges in the U.S., according to people familiar with the matter.

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TR going to the pharmacy at closing (I called twice and no answer).

I asked if there are any extra vaccine doses available, and the pharmacist (major grocery chain) said he only has three bottles right now, and that those will all be distributed to the people on “the list.” I asked what list, and he said the list for extra vaccine doses. I asked to be put on the list.

I am now #37 to be vaccinated with extra doses at this particular pharmacy. A friend called another of the same chain, and that location was maxing their list at 30 people, but encouraged him to call back tomorrow or Monday as they’re expecting another shipment. I’ll update on if/when anything ever comes of this, but it’s starting to be clear that if you really want the vaccine, you can get it.

I get the impression this isn’t based on the vaccine thawing out and going to waste, but rather the extra doses due to overfilling the bottles. As such, they always end up with more than the X vaccine appointments that have been set up to correspond with that vaccine shipment.


Gotta think this’ll be you someday


K-8 is already happening in most of the country.