COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The reason the process is rushed is because of the extreme urgency of vaccinating people so they don’t die of COVID.


yeah, 10 reactions all at one site is not a reason to shut down vaccinations statewide when 4,000 people are dying every day. That is a hugely -EV decision.

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It only affects doses from one particular lot. Vaccinations using doses from a different lot may continue.

The call to pause vaccinations is coming from the state epidemiologist. I prefer deferring to scientific and medical experts in cases such as this.


I’m confused. Are we supposed to trust the experts or are we supposed to believe that the experts are so murderously incompetent that sidelining 15% of their current vaccine inventory isn’t going to affect their ability to push out the shots?

A video that helped me in such times. As others have said, there will be ups and downs. Even if you and your wife were the same gender, your girls would still like one of you more than the other from one day vs the next. Just focus on having a healthy relationship with them and the rest will be there in every way that matters :heart::heart::heart:


I’m on the side of trusting the experts in their ability to assess whether pausing vaccinations from this lot is appropriate. I’m also on the side of the experts erring the side of being too cautious rather than not cautious enough.

Well, the little one did at least let me read stories to her tonight when faced with an ultimatum of stories with me or immediate bed time, so things are looking up.

Also, apparently my parents have, at least for now, decided not to go to Florida, so things are looking up in many ways today.


@superuberbob Taking your no.1 status from you

That’s offset by you guys vaccinating at a higher rate than us. We’re 24th of 27 EU member states in vaccinations.

There are approximately 400,000 people over 80 in the Czech Republic and less than half of them have registered to be vaccinated. Whether this is because they’re unaware of it or don’t want to be vaccinated is unclear. If the most vulnerable people are in the country are vaccinating at a less than 50% clip, then what will the least vulnerable people do?

My county. Geniuses.

Mom had a sore throat. Still had everyone over. “Could have been the flu”.



Odds all 18 of them voted for Trump?

The youngest is listed as a baby. So yeah. Probably all of them.


I guess the Canadians might have voted for Biden.


They had a sympathetic story about this family on the news last night and I was literally screaming at my TV. The family was sharing photos from the party and photos of being sick. Then it detailed how someone raised how ever much money to support the family. Fuck that. This family should be to ashamed to ever share that story and they don’t deserve a dime. Idiots like that are why people like us are still locked down a year into this.



That seemed good news, but in the article it just states:

Regev-Yohai also added that people who received both doses of the vaccine will most likely not become carriers of the virus and will not spread it further due to the high level of antibodies.

So I don’t think that adds anything in particular to what we know about the possibility of vaccinated people spreading the disease.

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if they can’t become carriers, that’s a pretty dang good indication that they’re not going to spread it

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If I was a slightly worse human being I’d call them up about using their moving service, ask about their covid protocols, then ask how that is working for them.

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oh, wait, I see.

the tweet is misrepresenting what the study actually says. the linked article also does.