COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Is the placebo in these studies just saline or is it some other vaccine? I thought I read somewhere that sometimes in these types of studies they are just using a generic other vaccine as the placebo to simulate the effects of getting a vaccine (pain in the arm, mild symptoms, etc.).

Oh, I havenā€™t the foggiest, and I doubt even MrsWookie would know, as her clinical trial experience is pretty far removed from vaccines. If someone has read the trials closely enough to know, Iā€™d be curious, but I was speaking from assumption rather than knowledge, and I suppose I shouldnā€™t make an ass out of u and mption.

Iā€™ve heard second hand that trial volunteers with 0 reaction assume they got the placebo which I believe is just saline/inert compounds.

In other news, my mom finally got back to me to say that she knows I didnā€™t intend to hurt her so much, and that Iā€™m too harsh with her and my girls, just like her dad was too harsh to her, so basically Iā€™m a bad dad. Nothing about going or not going, so Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re still going while insulting my parenting. Meanwhile, my girls seem to be in a stage where they only want to deal with mama no matter how nice I am to them, so that cut pretty deep. Things are great.


For Pfizer and Moderna the placebo was saline. Itā€™s specified in the phase 3 studies that were published.


This stage sucks, and Iā€™m not sure I will ever exit it. Iā€™m coming to terms with it. Iā€™m up against basically the GOAT Mom, so itā€™s really all good.


How old are they? At some point you will be an embarrassment but they will hate their mom. After only brothers and just sons, my daughter was an education.

You will get a lot smarter when they are in their 20s.

Just be stable. Be there.

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3.5 and 2.8. Yeah, theyā€™ll eventually hate their mom more, but thatā€™s nearly a decade off at this point.

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You got a lonnnng time. Have a tea party and youā€™ll be golden. For a day or two.

The boys i could solve anything by big time wrestling.

Just make sure you take turns being the heavy when needed.

Before you know it youā€™ll be walking them down the aisle and theyā€™ll be having their own little girl ( due April). :slight_smile:


3.5 and 2.8? Damn. Did you like knock up Mrs. Wookie in the delivery room after #1?


Wait, sorry, 1.8 or thereabouts. Sheā€™s almost 2. Theyā€™re a little over 1.5 years apart.

Wookies are known to have a shorter gestation period



Depends. It should be saline, but I think youā€™re right.

Where do they rank now?

I think all of those people betting vaccination rates should specify one-dose or two doses as some countries seem to consider doing some whacky stuff there.
The limiting factor will most likely be vaccine access. A county official around here said they could vaccinate 80% of the population in ten weeks (+three for second dose), but currently counties do not receive enough to do one percent a week (still only Pfizer/BioNTech - Moderns should be added soon).

We had vaccination dates for thursday but they got cancelled this weekend because we wont receive any doses. I already was afraid of that once I saw the news on friday that Pfizer is working on its facility in Belgium and that europe will receive less doses than were promised during the next few weeks.

Israel publishes data-for-vaccines deal with Pfizer

Israel has published details of a deal to trade data with US pharmaceutical company Pfizer in return for a steady supply of its coronavirus vaccine, after concerns were expressed over possible privacy violations.

Under the arrangement, Israel will send weekly updates on the numbers of confirmed cases, hospitalisations, patients in a serious condition and those on a ventilator, as well as the number of vaccinations performed. They will be broken down by age, gender and demographic background, but ā€œno identifiable health informationā€ will be shared.

Some 2.1 million Israelis have received at least their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine - a greater proportion of its population than any other country.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier this month that he hoped the Pfizer deal would mean Israel became ā€œthe first country in the world to emerge from the coronavirusā€.

In a separate development, Israelā€™s coronavirus czar has said people will no longer have to self-isolate after being exposed to someone who tests positive if a week has elapsed since they got the second dose of the vaccine.

Other experts have said not enough information is available to determine whether getting a vaccine will prevent someone from spreading the virus that causes Covid-19 to other people.

Link to aboveā€¦

You caught my brag.

I donā€™t know about other countries, but the US failure to use the defense production act for vaccine manufacture may actually end of up being the biggest fubar of the trump presidency.

I do know that RNA is tricky to work with, if itā€™s hard to stabilize for storage, the post production processing has got to be fairly demanding in terms of conditions and timing of the purification