COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Gonna be years before I consider going someplace like there again. Also theyā€™ve got blood on their hands.

Also if we condone it, all the anti-maskers will just start saying theyā€™ve been vaccinated, or they already had it.

Frankly, I think the masks look badass and I plan on rocking the Sub-Zero look in perpetuity.


Iā€™m also hoping COVID will end the practice of handshakes.


Former Minister of Health says that up to 3 million people in the Czech Republic may have already been infected. So far just about 1 million people have been infected in the country.

Is that possible or is he spouting bullshit? Seems kind of insane.

Anyway, seems that things are slowing up a bit here covid-wise. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if we were back in school teaching by mid-February. Of course, weā€™d just be guaranteeing being back in lockdown by mid-March.

I have to wonder if my aunt and uncle (along with their friends) are non-believers.

My cousin had a fucking birthday party shortly after I left the country and now his brother has covid. This is not the first time this has happened at a damn party they held. Early during the pandemic, somebody came to the party while her test was pending and got a bunch of people infected including my aunt, uncle, and two cousins.

So what do they do almost a year later? Yup, have another party. No idea why they thought a party was a good thing at any time. I guess this one wasnā€™t like the 50+ person they had before (but it was all outdoors!!!).

They werenā€™t spreading conspiracy theories about covid while I was there. They seemed as concerned as anyone else. Apparently, not enough to make alternate plans for oneā€™s birthday.

Why the hell is every medical facility on earth not making vaccine! Delaying rollout because of factory upgrades has to the the single dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard. You couldnā€™t manage this worse if your actual goal was to fuck it up.



Pretty everything about the last four years and Republican rule in general. Incompetence is a built in government feature, not a bug. Makes it easier to campaign against government based solutions to problems.

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Thatā€™s what the eyeball test says. I have some concerns that itā€™s a red herring doing to the week before being a big catch up week from the holidays.

Holidays artificially low.
First week of Jan artificially high.
2nd week of Jan normal.

Would like to see a peak with two normal weeks in a row.

Hospitalizations are best evidence for peak though. Hopeful. But itā€™s gonna a long depressing plateau. I did see the CT gov put at a statement that they were seeing a decrease in nursing home cases/mortality associated with the vaccinations starting mid December.

F this guy. Note at the end of thread the name given may be a fake. Looks like SPD reaches out for more info. Gotta be on the hospital security cameras and since heā€™s not wearing a mask, he is easy to ID.

This is all true but the slow, slow pace of government action is broader than the US so not solely at the feet of Republicans (as terrible as they are, they are not at the root of everything bad in the world).

Generally across the modern world governments donā€™t act with a sense of urgency. As long as people are getting their bread and circuses governments of all stripes can get away with incompetence.

Highly doubt that many medical facilities have the capability

hell yeah

(from 2013)

Couldnā€™t find a straight answer quick enough online.

How does the immunity work on the first shot? Like how much 1st week, 2nd week, 3rd week before 2nd shot.

48 hours post Novavax shot, feel completely fine. It might be a placebo and I have never reacted to a vaccine in any way, but encouraging I suppose.


Ballpark you get to 50% 3 weeks after first shot and then you get the second shot and one more week you are at 95%.

Very broadly speaking.

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Iā€™m getting more and more convinced we

  1. Give two weeks notice
  2. Shut down hard for two weeks. Like last spring. Schools most businesses churches flights. Stay the fuck home
  3. Reopen after two weeks regardless of the numbers. Just trust that a hard shutdown will stop most infection chains.
  4. And of course vaccinate like hell.

Iā€™d love to see this the last half of Feb.

Would be nice but red states will never do it and police wonā€™t enforce it in blue states. In CA we have some lockdowns already with basically 0% enforcement

Iā€™m reading all kinds of differing conclusions on this. For Moderna, some have it as 50 percent. Some have it as high as 80-90 percent, but with the idea that protection might fade fast without that second booster shot. Most articles quote 14 days after first shot as when it kicks in.

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