COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

No, we don’t know it, but it would be very unusual, based on what we know about all the other successful vaccines in history. I agree a “better safe than sorry” approach is best, but he’s probably not wrong.

Yeah my buddy who got the shot was told by a doctor friend of his that a particular location wasn’t checking anything-- the same doctor who killed her brother by hosting Thanksgiving and now is getting vaccinated immediately despite already having covid. So he and his wife went up thay day and got vaccinated.

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This is the second time today I’ve heard of people doing this. I am correct that the only effect of doing this is depriving someone that needs it of a vaccine dose, right? I’m feeling like I understand nothing today.

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This person is clearly one of the dumbest doctors in the world based on her recent decision-making.

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He’s wrong because he’s telling people to discard masks before we know that critical piece of information for sure.


My mother got her shot yesterday too. She’s over 65, but doesn’t really look it. They didn’t check her id, didn’t check her registration ticket, nothing. I mean honestly I guess who cares? We want as many people getting shots as possible at this point, if somebody shows up and they have the shot, they should probably just administer it.

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I think that seems to be the general consensus among those administering the shots now. The lack of federal leadership has caused the state rollouts to be complete clusterfucks, so they’ve dropped a lot of the plans and moved on to the “fuck it we’ll do it love” stage.

ETA: 31 hours post first Moderna shot for me. Have some arm soreness and last night had minor muscle aches in my back, but that’s it. So far I have zero complaints fwiw.

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We also don’t know that the vaccine won’t cause your left arm to fall off precisely 1 year after administration. What should we do about that?

I’m not trying to defend Rand here. There are reasons to still mask, but this specific one is way at the bottom of the list.

How’s the chip?


Am I crazy? Immunity is not immediate. We know it takes a fair amount of time to “develop” and a second shot for “full immunity” (some time after second shot). Biden just gave a speech that covered this exact topic.

Rand Paul is an idiot and I hope everybody who takes his Fox Network anti-mask advice drops dead within a month (including Paul himself).

I had a rough night last night (6-18 hours post-shot), had chills, trouble sleeping. Felt like crap today, but feeling better now. Arm sore like yours.

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My number 1 for mask wearing until the majority are vaxxed is so that when I go into a store I don’t have a bunch of yokels falsely claiming that already got vaccinated so they don’t need to where a mask.

I want to see 0 mouths and 0 noses until then.


To me, no it didn’t. It may have been a wee bit ambiguous but I took it as meaning dealing w a bunch of COVID patients etc

Old data, but, JFC:

While there doesn’t appear to be any solid numbers yet of how many of the Covid-19 vaccines have been discarded in the United States since the rollout began last month, the World Health Organization warned in 2005 that up to 50 percent of the vaccines released globally each year end up in the dumpster because of supply chain problems, such as not having enough freezer space or transportation issues.

In the clip he specifically says “Several weeks after your second dose.”. That doesn’t sound unreasonable to me.

Vaccine was validated in an era of social distancing. It’s also not perfect and we are nowhere near herd immunity.

Not wearing a mask while being vaccinated is like going 140mph because you’re wearing a seatbelt.


I’m also going to wear masks in certain situations for the rest of my life I think. Like, I’ll never get on an airplane again without a mask. I used to get sick a lot after plane trips, especially in the winter.


I suspect social norms around mask wearing, particularly when you yourself are sick, are going to be a permanent thing.

I hope people at least start mask wearing around others whenever are even a tiny bit sick becomes a thing.

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These are all far better reasons for vaccinated persons to wear masks than “I might get exposed to COVID and generate enough virus to infect someone else, but not enough to get sick myself”.