COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Well if other countries are requiring proof of vaccination to enter I’m guessing the US will have to have something to satisfy that, but it might not need to be a “covid passport” necessarily

It isn’t even clear that he knows what the real problems are.

Edit. Thought this was in another thread but probably still applies to covid.


Yesterday in my area of about 600,000, eight people died, 325 people were diagnosed with coronavirus and 852 people were vaccinated. WAA so so F.

I mean we get a vaccination card when we get vaccinated. My guess is that will be enough. I was wrong about them not existing but that doesn’t change my underlying point that they are being used by the right to sow distrust in the vaccine here. The main reason I don’t think the vaccine is going to save us is 150m people won’t get it. The longer this vaccine rollout takes the higher that number gets probably as the conspiracy theories and right wing brainwashing machine has longer to work.

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Did you see my post up thread that the entire state of Oklahoma’s health department has a total of 562 vaccine appointments for the week? You guys are doing great in comparison!

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I did not see that, but that makes me feel so much better. Ok not that much better. But WTF? This can’t be that hard. Do they think Walgreen’s pharmacists can squeeze in millions of shots in between filling prescriptions? The good news for Biden is that things will get better because they can’t get worse.

As near as I can tell we need 250m or so Americans vaccinated to have a chance at hitting meaningful levels of immunity. That is roughly 42m shots a month for the rest of the year. We are so far below that a month in that it is obvious something big needs to change. Like you said Biden can’t be any worse but something like this needs large top down planning and there is no evidence Biden has any intention to do that.

I imagine it will be like testing. The states will slowly get better at it but we will never reach the levels we need to reach for the same reason which is mainly the unwillingness of the Federal government to step in and take over. I suppose politically Biden may also be worrying about getting all the blame if he takes it over in some sweeping Federal program. I suspect in addition to being lazy and incompetent that is largely why Trump left it to the states.

One would hope Biden is smart enough to know the states absolutely can’t handle this alone. Moreover, I’m hoping his panel of experts will have some ideas they can put into action. Biden absolutely needs to succeed in this mission no matter how much it costs.

Well this chart is the definition of how the wave generations work. Young people are getting this by the bucketful and then passing it to Grandma and grandpa who promptly die

I completely agree. I also agree with some of the people telling me to wait and see what he does once he is in office which is a fair point. I’m just saying he should have been doing the planning for a huge Federal vaccine response for the last few weeks. The fact we have heard nothing makes me assume that it hasn’t happened but it’s possible they just haven’t told anyone so as to not further freak out the anti vaxx/Bill Gates microchip crowd.

We are on pace to poz like 1/4-1/3 of the country this year pre any new real variant emergence. That should speed the process along. We might kill off one percent of Americans in the process, but lets not split hairs.


Ethics question: Are we still in the “don’t get the vaccine unless you’re high risk” zone, or are we in the “everyone who can should get the vaccine becuase they’re literally doing dumb shit like throwing out some vaccine because they can’t always find enough people” zone? Because I’m now apparently eligible.

Oh I agree with that but we are basically in a race with the virus at this point and aren’t acting like it. Every person who gets it naturally rather than getting vaccinated first is another fractional live lost.

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Get the vaccine. It also benefits all the high risk people you come into contact with at the grocery store or whatever.


I’m actually kind of curious. I’m a dual citizen getting his vaccine in third country. If passports are related to citizenship, do I become a citizen of the Czech Republic by getting a vaccine? That’d be pretty insane.

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I’m pretty far down on the priority list, but if I had the opportunity to get it, I would get it and not feel the least bit bad about it.


my county in central Florida did a drive through vaccination center yesterday and vaccinated 1k people. the main constraint here seems to be vaccine supplies.

How many people live in your county?

The way that federalism works, the national government might only be allowed to step in and help states that explicitly request aid.