COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I can’t wait for all the anti-science dipshits to post their NEVER FORGET profile pics on 9/11 again when we are averaging more than a 9/11 a day right now and none of them care at all.

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They don’t care about 4k meemaws dying per day, they cared that it was brown people messing with ‘Murcia.

Many of those meemaws are also Brown and Black. So it’s all good.

Hadn’t seen this posted. Been mostly plugging my ears and ignoring the news re: the b117 variant. But uh, seems bad.

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MIL had fluid in lungs and they don’t know the cause but rapid test was negative and after some lasix and antibiotics they sent her home and she seems fine today.

Will see Doctor after bloodwork comes back to see what may have caused it since ER just stabilized and didn’t figure out root cause.

Seems fine now tho and looks like she dodged the Piccadilly covid which makes that lunch worth it to her and SIL I guess.


I said this in March or April and nothing since has changed my mind.


This is exactly it - the deaths are skewed so highly toward the elderly that people under the age of 50 don’t care at all. Here’s Ohio:
9,802 deaths so far, and in recent weeks COVID has been the 2nd leading cause of death. But no one cares because it’s ~all in the 60+ age group:


Thinking about it that way actually makes it seem better. While I’m only kind of old, I estimate my chance of dying in any given year is approximately equal to zero. ~0 x 2 = ~0, so I might as well yolo it up.

Note: Above is not my actual thought process.


I’m looking at this roughly, but umm… I see a lot more cases in the USA than UK/Ireland. I’d much rather be them than us.

Apparently this is in Ohio. I am so furious at these stupid bureaucratic obstacles and stupidity.

I am also furious that the word bureaucratic is literally impossible to spell right the first try.

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Ashish’s pony is slow. I’ve been banging this drum for well over a week.


Last week researchers at the Butantan Institute, which has been conducting the trials in Brazil, announced that the vaccine had a 78% efficacy against “mild-to-severe” Covid-19 cases.

But on Tuesday they revealed that calculations for this figure did not include data from a group of “very mild infections” among those who received the vaccine that did not require clinical assistance.

With the inclusion of this data, the efficacy rate is now 50.4%, said researchers.

But Butantan stressed that the vaccine is 78% effective in preventing mild cases that needed treatment and 100% effective in staving off moderate to serious cases.

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What’s crazy is how fast that is compared to most countries.

Biden’s gonna be viewed as a hero by cleaning up Trump’s mess regarding covid.

Hooray we’re first in something!

The medical system here is on the brink of blowing up. Rural places are totally fucked. Hospitals in Prague are starting to take on the sickest covid patients from rural areas due to inadequate supplies in those regions.

You’re kidding, right? The worst is still coming, and there’s nothing Joe can do about it. There’s going to be way more covid deaths on his watch than there were on Trump’s, and that’s all the right will talk about.

He’s got 4 years to do this. If it gets better at any point during that time, he will be painted as the reason why. It’ll be no different from how Andrew Cuomo was once treated.

He doesn’t have 4 years to distribute the vaccine. The usefulness and impact of the vaccine gets less and less each day. Every day that goes by is another (including unconfirmed cases) another 500k+ people getting immunity the normal way. We are currently vaccinating about 200k/day. At this rate the virus wins the race to getting us to a meaningful level of immunity.

The economic damage of allowing this to linger for another couple years is going to be enormous. Sure large publically held companies will mostly be fine but most of everything else will not be. Then you have the enormous death toll and health crisis from continuing to let this rip through the population for another couple years. You also have the fact our health care workers are in hell right now and probably literally can’t do this for another couple years.

The vaccine rollout is so bungled in Oklahoma that now there are people who are supposed to get their 2nd dose and they have no way to get it. Maybe they will get immunity if they get it later, maybe not. I imagine we aren’t the only state.

The bottom line is the current rate of vaccination is a disaster. There is no federal plan. Biden has no plan to fix it. He says he will use the DPA to produce more vaccine. Ok that’s great and all but that isn’t the problem. The problem is in distribution. Even if he uses the DPA it may be months or longer before other production can be converted to vaccine production. He doesn’t get it and doesn’t seem to care to get it. He should have spent the last two months designing a system for a Federal vaccine rollout that he could have started implementing day 1. Instead his plan is more of the same. Pie in the sky ideas about production when the real problem is a logistical one at this point.

In short Biden will be better than Trump but it isn’t clear at all that he has any intention of fixing the real problems.

Tbf covid passports are technically real, I think I saw an article of a pilot program for them a couple months ago and from searching I see this

They aren’t real for US citizens yet though right? I mean Covid vaccine passports seem like a good idea to me so hopefully that happens here.

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