COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I have been assured this is the greatest vaccine rollout in the world and it is impossible to do better.



ā€œIf it spreads hereā€? Isnā€™t it already here?

Yes, the Northeast is pouring in.

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Yeah, the folks got a spicy email response, and this line was used. Also let them know they arenā€™t getting any calls with me or their grandchildren while they were there, at least unless they were in the ICU. It was pretty galling how I was told that they respected my insight in a note blatantly looking for permission to disregard what they knew I was going to tell them.

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Damn bro, best of luck.

Florida, sorta? Massive lines of vulnerable people crowded together, many of whom arenā€™t wearing masks. Sounds flawless!

Nurse called but couldnā€™t say anything until doctor calls, which who knows if thatā€™ll be tonight, but her doc has privileges and my wife talked to him before she went in so heā€™ll check in the morning Iā€™m sure

Nurse did say sheā€™s gotten 2 liters of oxygen and sheā€™s been able to get her oxygen level close to 90. I was hoping on oxygen sheā€™d be over 90 but not sure if thatā€™s realistic.

Nurse also said the level drops when she lays down so they are keeping her sitting up.


Rapid test negative

They also did blood test but that takes 2 days to get back.

She has fluid in the lungs but havenā€™t talked to the doctor, just her, so donā€™t know whole story. She had cat scan so assuming thatā€™s where they found the fluid.

Also has a UTI, but she gets those all the time.

doesnā€™t sound like covid. What blood tests comes back in two days?

Still scary though.

Not sure; I took it as a covid test, but itā€™s all translated so donā€™t know for sure until we talk to an actual doctor

I guess fluid in lungs sounds like pneumonia of some sort? Again, doctor will clarify what that means once we talk to them.

could be, but it doesnā€™t sound like that either. Donā€™t want to speculate from here. Just have to wait to get the whole story.

What covid?

They win a title every other year youā€™d think fans would be used to it by now

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Not much else to celebrate in Alabama.


Really belongs in the Environment thread that no one readsā€¦

US greenhouse gas emissions in biggest fall since WW2

US greenhouse gas emissions tumbled below their 1990 level for the first-time last year as a result of the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

A preliminary assessment from research group Rhodium says that overall emissions were down over 10%, the largest fall since World War Two.

Transport saw the biggest decline, with emissions down almost 15% over 2019.

Energy emissions also fell sharply due to a decline in the use of coal.


Shockingly, when. we arent driving giant mega boats, flying jumbo jets, and commuting 2 hours a day, emissions fall.

Who coulda thunk?


Wow. Thatā€™s quite the stat.

For those that donā€™t follow the Rupar thread

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