COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I was wondering why they were giving us non front line health care workers the shot so soon and I got the answer. Everyone has been to stop all non essential work and “volunteer” shifts at the hospitals to ramp up the vaccination logistics.

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Fuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkk yyyyooooouuuuuuu

We are a month in and have given only 35% of the distributed vaccine, around 9m total shots. That is about 1.5% of the number of shots we need to give in total. At our current rate it will take 5.5 years which is an improvement but nowhere near good enough.

What if the rate follows an exponential growth curve?

With my son about to get a job and a 4 hour! long dental procedure scheduled for Wednesday, I’ve come to the realization that I fear death. Most people would be like “yeah, duh” but this is a new development for me. I’ve always been very nonchalant about death possibilities, that when it happens it happens and I hope it isnt painful.

But this… the idea of getting this and dying alone, probably incredibly painfully. I’m almost paralyzed about my procedure Wednesday. Its a damn good thing they prescribed me valium or I may not have found the courage to go.

We’ve done so well for a year and I feel like I’m flushing it down the toilet at the worst possible moment, but I can barely eat anymore. Anything that isn’t precisely room temperature is like a dagger in my mouth.

I feel like a coward but I’m scared


Any countries out there that just let it rip, first come first serve for the vaccine?

Does your dentist take covid seriously? I searched for a place that was taking lots of precautions. I’m not thrilled about going in for 2 hour procedure tomorrow at the dentist but I feel like somethings there is no choice. No Valium for me but I’ll be getting laughing gas for sure.

I’ve been to the dentist a couple times and they were all masked up and even wearing face shields. Pretty safe at least with mine.

For you this is a big deal, but for your dentist, this is likely something he does all the time. You’ll be fine. If they take the proper precautions, I believe your covid risk to be very low.

I was blessed to have a great dentist. I went to him for about 35 years. I got to know him and his staff very well. The staff was just as loyal as I was, so I know he was a good boss as well. I went to him for the last time just before the election. He’s retiring. So I’ll have to find a new dentist. Sometimes you just have to roll with it for the greater good. All the best to you.


I dont have much choice but they seem to be doing ok

Probably because of the blowback he got when he floated it last week. Same reason the lockdown was pushed back from what sources were saying.

God, he sucks.

This. In fact if they are taking proper precautions, you will feel as safe as you wish you could feel everywhere else right now. The thing you need to be afraid of is how much angrier you will be when you see no other business doing anything close.


Spitballing that’s a doubling every 3 days or so. Maybe more like 2.75 days. 2^10 in month. 1,000 fold.

At this rate we have a better chance of hitting herd immunity due to super covid than the vaccine.

Just sent my 67 year old diabetic MIL to the hospital in an ambulance.

She called us on phone from other room saying she couldn’t breathe.

Used pulse ox on her and sustained 83-85 range for 20 minutes while I read 99.

Ambulance machine read her in 87-88 range.

She visited Sister in Law who thinks it’s a hoax (temporarily cut off my wife last week because my wife is gonna get her the vaccine and she thinks the vaccine will kill her) and that SIL took her to Piccadilly Cafeteria 8 days ago, which is probably where she got it if she has Covid.

Came on very suddenly; she was fine a few hours ago. She was very clammy, felt warm, had chills, had one ear ringing and some chest pain trouble breathing.


Holy shit. Good luck. Sounds scary.


Terrible man. I will be hoping for the best for her.



I’m just hoping that she responds to the regular oxygen tank.

Prolly won’t hear anything for a few hours, which sucks


Shit, hope things turn out okay.

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Am I allowed to be mad about this yet?