COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Covid shift tomorrow. Will be my last one before vaccination has completely taken hold.

Arm is a little sore. More than last time. About flu shot level so far. I am taking Tylenol at a max safe dose for today and tomorrow at least


My wife got 2nd dose yesterday. 101+fever with cold chills today, and full body aches to where it was hard for her to move much. She seems to be through the worst of it though and is feeling better now.


turns out my relatives had second doses already. both pharmacists in a hospital. have been going into work with little change in shifts throughout the pandemic. really happy about that. hoping they can soon visit their parents.


definitely super-V recovery

Brisbane enters snap lockdown over single infection

The Australian city of Brisbane has just begun a three-day lockdown after a cleaner in its hotel quarantine system became infected with coronavirus.

Health officials said the cleaner had the highly transmissible “UK variant” and they were afraid it could spread.

Brisbane has seen very few cases of the virus beyond quarantined travellers since Australia’s first wave last year.

It is the first known instance of this variant entering the Australian community outside of hotel quarantine.

The lockdown began at 18:00 local time and covers five populous council areas in Queensland’s state capital. People can only leave home for essential reasons.


Scientists have tested the Pfizer Covid vaccine against one of the mutations found in the South African variant, called N501Y, using blood samples from 20 people.

In that preliminary study, vaccination appeared to work against the mutated virus.

More studies are needed though, because N501Y is not the only change the South African variant has undergone.


I haven’t had the vaccine yet but I’m injecting myself with all sorts of stuff.


How long are people expecting the vaccine to last?

Gonna suck if we’d need one every 3 months. Would supply be enough to meet demand if that’s the case?

We’ve been informed that this is the thread for science only, and not for opinions.

Well, fuck that.

My lay guesswork puts the O/U at a year at least.

Nice to know how pro-vax my students are.

Only had one who dropped a soft antivax view that was countered by like 4 people talking at the same time.

Actually made me feel bad for her being ganged up on. She’s one of my best students in the class too

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I haven’t seen anything about the vaccine wearing off yet and it’s probably been ~6 months for the earliest trials.

I’m sorry you feel that way about posting here.

  1. Some here try to differentiate their level of knowledge on various things (fact guess opinion)

  2. Sometimes we have some strong differences of opinion and even what the facts are. Expect to be challenged.

  3. Sometimes opinions get presented as facts. It happens. Expect to be called out.

  4. People take positions. Some of those positions are less popular than others. It’s up to you to decide if you take a position how to defend or abandon it.

  5. It gets personal from time to time. That sucks but it is the nature of discourse.

Nobody here is right all the time. New information comes in daily on Covid.

At one time or another everyone has gotten upset with another poster.

It’s an internet message board. If it’s bumming you out, take a break from it.


WTF is France doing?

Only 40% want the jab (scary!) That and ‘red tape’

Polls suggest that less than 40% of the population here is planning to take the vaccine. Younger people, who feel less at risk from Covid, are among the least likely to say they want it, along with those who disapprove of the government’s handling of the pandemic more generally.

France has a long history of distrusting vaccines.

Florian Cafiero, a sociologist at the National Centre for Scientific Research, says this dates back years, to debates over vaccines for Hepatitis B and swine flu.

“It’s true there is a core of people who believe in conspiracy theories,” he said. “But that doesn’t explain the huge distrust towards vaccines, because it’s more than half the population, and more than half the population are not conspiracy theorists.”

Instead, he believes trust has diminished because of repeated controversies over side-effects, and because of a general distrust towards authority.

“The current government generated a huge amount of distrust over its management of the Covid crisis, and that’s reflected towards the vaccine.”



The weekly COVID deaths in the US alone are now roughly equal to the average weekly combat deaths among all allied armies during WWI.

With cases and hospitalizations still hitting new highs daily we aren’t anywhere near peak deaths yet either. Hitting 5k in a day or higher is still definitely on the table.

Travel nursing contracts have gotten completely insane. My wife is considering going to CA for two weeks. They would pay her $25,000 for two 60 hour weeks. They must be fucked beyond belief there.


Decanting it first.


The real issue here is just incompetence as of now. There’s lots of anger and the better bits of the press have been on it in recent days. Seems that the government spent their planning time talking to management consultants about strategies to ‘educate’ anti-vaxxers, as opposed to medical professionals about how to actually roll it out. The pre-consultation and delay before vaccination are not standard and most doctors are pissed off about it.

That lots of people here don’t want it is a problem for later. That the EU, and by extension, France do not have enough vaccine is another one building too. Last night the ‘brag’ was that France would have 78 million doses by the end of the summer, if you included all 5 of the vaccines they have ordered stocks of. That’s not enough and, last I read, it’s very likely not all 5 of those vaccines will be authorised by the end of summer anyway.

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Jfc that’s like 200+ an hour

Amazing that the USA isn’t in 47th place given how many anti-vax dummies we have.