COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Agreed. But you’d wanna know the latest, right? UK now at 62,000 cases a day (= 310k US) and new variant only driving in 50% of country. CA still has a way to go to get to 30k cases a day but it could happen.

I’m not so sure the WH is tracking the rise in this thing so maybe those ITT, living in areas where hospitals are experiencing something not so normal, could make personal adjustments (like stay in).

P.S. Not proven deadlier (not UK one anyway). Increases raw numbers of death though, etc, etc.

You could always plan for it

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I still have red bug bites all over my body from Costa Rica. I look at that island I see billions of tiny noseeums (sand fleas so small you can barely see them) that itch for a week after they bite you. Have to cover yourself in DEET and baby oil at all times.

Yeah the SA strain sounds like exactly the thing to really worry about. Even if the vaccines are still fairy effective, It’s the loss of inherited immunity that could be the big problem.


what, to the say 4% (?) of the population who have already caught it? Or the smaller % that may get regeneron?

The faster transmissibility of both variants through all ages groups will impact more individuals and families than any shift in inherited immunity.

Maybe Trump can get it twice :)

Outside of SA, only the French seems to have detected that strain in large numbers (fingers crossed)

The 4% is more like 20%. Right now second cases and rare and universally mild.

So while there is no herd effect on overall spread there is a significance personal protection for those previously infected.

The US has recorded about 20 million cases and more than 350,000 deaths from coronavirus, the highest figures in the world.

No doubt a few more cases than detected but then we do need actual case numbers to calculate CFA, so wouldn’t want to inflate those percentages, without studies.

8 out of 100 people maybe catching it again will fade into insignificance pretty fast if / when it spreads up to 70% faster (latest study confirmed at least 56% faster) through general population, even when ‘locked down’

Walking the dog is my #1 reason to be out after 10pm.

Get an exercise bike. I’ve already covered about 60 miles 96.56064 km in my kitchen this week.


My dog would be in heaven if she went for like 10 walks a night.


My employee’s COVID test came back negative, although he now has a fever, chills, headache and cough. And his daughter and ex-wife can’t smell or taste food.

Assume Poz.


Things are getting really bad here.

Headline in a major Dutch newspaper right before the vaccine rollout started was ‘How dangerous is the vaccine?’. Great way to phrase it and get more clicks and of course get more people to believe it is dangerous.

Just got my first jab. Will report back if I gain any additional powers.


I wonder if there’s a breakdown somewhere of how much of the extra transmission is in household vs out of household. Obviously it is spreading during “lockdown” but it still needs contact and mobility to transmit. If it is pozzing everyone’s household contacts then maybe out of home quarantine requirements (I know lol western society) are the next needed step.

Careful. If you think too much about this you might start to wonder if getting pozzed by your maskless spouse for 3 days is worse than catching it masked at Target. And there be dragons.