COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

He selectively posts and quotes articles in accordance with his agenda, whatever it is at the moment. At least he’s largely moved on from kids not spreading covid, but now he’s onto super-covid.

As my posted was flagged (lol modding gone mad), I’ll repost the graph showing some strange goings on that can only be put down to, erm, people forgetting social distancing

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And why this new variant I am peddling might be problem (to UK now and US in a few weeks, especially when the US has never locked down as hard as UK, IMO)

The new strain showed up in the US weeks ago IIRC.

You’re clearly displaying your biases and prejudices again.

Who here doesn’t choose to post and quote articles that support their point of view?


October, yes - takes a little while to become dominant. You’ll know when it’s dominant.

Cite please.

I know of one country other than the US that has had schools (primary, elementary) closed for the last 9 months… Kenya, and they just re-opened schools.

Seems unusual for a higher fatality rate to accompany a higer infection rate, but is there a link to this?

One would hope people wouldn’t be beholden to their priors in a science-based thread like this one. It’s more understandable in an opinion-based environment.

I don’t know where you get your info, but the US had not had closed schools for the last 9 months.




I am using all my stress on other things currently.

I’m just trying to add some personal scientific thoughts on the mutant discussion. That comment is based on the vibe in thread. I am not going to spend the energy to quote cite.

2x nephews and 1x neice in WA not been in since March or April.

OK, some states of US


Several experts have said they believe vaccines will be effective against the new strains, but Dr. John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University in the U.K., voiced concerns regarding the variant in South Africa. “They’re not a single mutation,” he told Times Radio Jan. 3. “The mutations associated with the South African form are really pretty substantial changes in the structure of the [virus’s spike] protein.”

Washington state is unusually cautious when it’s come to opening schools. Most students have had at least the option of in person schools since they started in August.

lol wut, schools are not closed in the US of A.

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It’s mixed. A few people I know have had their kids at home because schools have been closed for them, others haven’t.

South African, not UK

(I posted ITT 20 dec…dated 18 Dec)

Seems similar to what was reported in the busiest London hospital earlier (which was lol to one in thread)

This new strain being deadlier, easier to spread, and possibly vaccine resistant is not fun to think about.