COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Going and seeing a dying relative seems orders of magnitude more important than a leisure trip to Costa Rica. What am I missing here? She won’t be restricted to travel to the US in June I wouldn’t think. Also maybe things are significantly better in between some people vaccinated and possible seasonality.

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She said she’s restricted right now. By Germany I think. Or maybe the US which is lol. She was planning to go to Wisconsin for Xmas but did the Costa Rica trip instead when she couldn’t go. The question is will she be able to even go in June.

Travel restrictions due to the corona pandemic

On 30 June 2020, the Council of the EU made a recommendation to further extend the temporary travel restrictions, in place since 16 March 2020, except for travelers from a limited number of countries (“positive list”). Germany has adopted this recommendation.

As a result, the restrictions remain in force for the USA, among others, until further notice. The “positive list”, however, will be reviewed and updated regularly. Depending on the developments of the epidemiological situation, changes in the list may occur.

Despite the continuing entry restrictions, existing exceptions for entering Germany will be significantly expanded.

If you’re resident in Germany (or anywhere in Schengen) then you can enter and are exempt from the rules. And as far as I can tell the German states have agreed a unified quarantine strategy now, Costa Rica and the USA are both considered risk areas and require a 10 day quarantine.

Should add I’m sure your friend knows better than me, but living in France it surprised me to hear she had trouble going there.

She’s from Ireland if that matters. Doesn’t have a German passport. She is still in mandatory quarantine now.

One concern is whether she will be allowed in the US. WSOP international event winner Damian Salas was delayed in traveling to the US for the heads-up main event finale because of new restrictions based on him having been in Europe in the previous two weeks.

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Stores are enforcing it. Police aren’t. There have been mandatory mask requirements in my city and the cities around me. Why don’t the police enforce it? It’s because police are opposed to these rules. They enforce what they want to enforce.

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67 counties doing their own thing here in Florida. My county tried to use an outlook calendar to book 65+ citizens to get the vaccine. Crashed immediately. Never returned. Now you call a number to make a reservation. Average 7.5 hour wait. End of business day, people just are dropped off the queue. Sorry, try again tomorrow.

They just don’t have the staff to do this and the covid testing and the other “normal” health issues. No money from the state to increase staff, even temporarily is forthcoming. No attempt to ask for volunteers.

Also from Chiefsplanet. Fucking maddening. Desantis is completely punting, and will never face any consequences from the R base for it because Florida is the stupidest place on earth.

We have a plethora of volunteers willing to administer the vaccine around here, but we have no vaccine to give. A few of our local pharmacies have said, “we’ll help out - just tell us where to go”

Was chatting with my Mom last night and she’s heard that Walgreens and CVS are completely overwhelmed with the amount of vaccine they have. They simply don’t have the man power to distribute what they’ve been given to these LTC facilities.

Also Chiefsplanet. What a ridiculous clusterfuck.

I think police usually would arrest people if stores insisted on charging people with trespassing and people were stubborn enough to remain maskless and not leave because trespassing is a violation of property rights and police are set up to defend property more than life.

Stores seem disinclined to call police in these cases, but you occasionally see a story about it.



Around here any business that isn’t a major chain has been completely maskless.

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I haven’t seen a lot of stores enforcing it, they’ll post “masks required” signs but nobody is going to kick someone out of their store if they’re spending money


Maybe bars and restaurants, but I don’t think I’ve been into a store at all that has not had masks required and I haven’t seen any incidents beyond people wearing the masks below their noses. Now, there are hardly any stores that aren’t chains of some sort excluding restaurants, but this includes smaller hardware chains and wholesale suppliers. And it’s a big sample, and I mean literally no exceptions.

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I’m in a particularly maga-y part of maga land though. My city passed a mask ordinance and the police were very vocal in their opposition to it.

I am going off a small sample size because my only excursions outside have been to go to the gas station, liquor or grocery store basically. But the business park where these things are, you can look inside all the businesses and no one is wearing a mask. A lot of them stayed open during the last shutdown.

Not surprisingly the local hospital is starting to become overwhelmed. I know a lot of nurses that work there and floors are being overrun by covid patient overflow that were not meant to be covid floors.

How could a shortage of glass disrupt supply?

The first hurdle is manufacture of the vaccine.

This involves two crucial stages - the production of the substance and then a process called fill and finish whereby the vaccine is put into vials and packaged up for use.

And there is already a concern about the latter stage, with the availability of key ingredients and equipment including glass vials a key issue.

England’s deputy chief medical officer Prof Jonathan Van-Tam says fill and finish was a “critically short resource across the globe”.

UK plants have made somewhere around 15 million or so doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine…

But only four million have been through the fill-and-finish process.

The UK has used plants in Germany and the Netherlands to do some of this for the early batches.

But the government has also invested in a plant in Wrexham to ensure there is domestic capacity.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, meanwhile, is made outside of the UK - it comes from a plant in Belgium.

When it arrives in the UK, it has already been placed into vials.

But so far, fewer than five million doses have been delivered - less than half the number that should have been - because of problems with manufacture, including the fill-and-finish process.

I’m completely fine with this. With (real) medical exceptions allowed.


I am in Maga country today, Riverside County. I will at least see what is happening at 1 gas station before I leave.

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I’m not ok with this at this point. It’s an experimental vaccine still imo. Also straight up won’t have enough workers if you do this suddenly.

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Where do I get on the “come in right now and we’ll vaccinate you” list?

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