COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

One scientist quoted in the article said it was like looking for a gas leak with a lit match.

Iā€™m pretty liberal but Iā€™m not getting vaccinated because my boss tells me I have to

Fuck him

Do you think hospitals shouldnā€™t be allowed to mandate that their healthcare workers be vaccinated?

Thatā€™s either an old article or the same quote from an article I read when this all started last year.

Iā€™m only half way thru the article but itā€™s wild. Also shows how much 9/11 changed everything, Fauciā€™s anti-terror budget went from $53 million in 2001 to $1.7 billion in 2003

Probably the same quote. The article discusses a lot of scientists who had an opinion on the origins of the virus in the beginning and how it was viewed in the mainstream. They also link a lot of the original articles from when covid first started. Itā€™s an interesting read

We have basically two weeks of holiday lag/backlog that will probably hit this week. I think we break 4k deaths for the first time and see a new 7dma high. That is just based on a guess though.

Wow look at that, doses were going to be unusable so they just decided to give it to anyone that wanted one and they had to turn down people after they finished using up the doses that were going to go bad!


I work in a for profit accounting firm that has at will employment.

Itā€™s a different circumstance

He made one reference to us being required to get a flu shot and bring proof but nothing ever came of that

I already had a flu shot at that point but Iā€™ll be gd if Iā€™m going to show him to prove it.

Heā€™s also saying this while at the same time forcing us to work in the office every day when the governorā€™s order makes it so we have to WFH if we have the ability


1200 vaccinated at the event I worked yesterday. That was from 9-3pm 50 people vaccinated every 15 minutes. Round the clock. Waiting time wasnā€™t more than 30-45 minutes including the 15 minute post shot.

From Chiefsplanet.

O/U of these people that will be dead in a month has to be like 2.5. Unreal.


About 100 doses ended up going to the county jail. They ended up giving them to staff because their wasnā€™t time to organize a protocol and gain consent. Iā€™m guessing is that one reason for the slow initial rollout is that they are still figuring this stuff out, so we can expect things to get better. For aggregate setting such as LTCFs and prisons especially, maybe they should work to gain consent in advance instead of just before injecting people.

Administering 600 shots to whoever wanted one was a community effort that required medical personnel to volunteer. Thatā€™s probably not a pace that can be kept up long-term, but they should be looking at a moratorium on elective procedures and repurposing all available personnel once we get into giving it to the general population.

The hospital informed people that shots were available by texting employees about it, so you had to know someone to get one. Even then, they ran out. My guess is that they would be overwhelmed if they made it a free-for-all where anyone who wants one can come and get one. This would also probably privilege those who have a car and can easily take time off in the middle of the day, so it would be another way that poor people are disadvantaged.

This will go fastest and most efficiently if we vaccinate those who are easiest to vaccinate first, targeting the low-hanging fruit who can come into vaccination centers run like a factory assembly line. But should speed be the most important goal or is it fairer and more equitable to care about vulnerable populations first?

The storage of these doses seems like a bottleneck. The hospital was storing some doses for the county because there arenā€™t enough specialized refrigeration units. Maybe it was the only one in the county, for all I know. The probability of storage failure seems like something every facility should develop a contingency plan for.

Only brilliant incorruptible people whose only interest is doing the greatest amount of good, of course.

seems like the discussion of delaying the 2nd dose is pretty moot in the US since we have way more vaccine than we have the ability to get it into arms

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Yeah I am starting to think it makes way more sense to just give the shots to those who most aggressively want it first.

I wouldnā€™t hand thought that before, but this targeted groups stuff Is really slowing things down. Plus I am cool with those who really want the vaccine getting it vs trying to convince others they need it,


Well, if thatā€™s your attitude, maybe we should make the people who want to jump the line pay extra and fund the entire effort.

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Poor people who want it can pound dirtā€¦

I agree. It will be corporations that ultimately enforce compliance. ā€œYour job responsibilities require you to be vaccinated. If you donā€™t wish to get the vaccine, you will need to find a new job.ā€

The addiction to food, clothing, and shelter is a powerful motivator.


Thatā€™s how some people feel about masks. And in the US, corporations having nationwide mask mandates in their stores feels like it forced the issue in some places.


The girl I went to Costa Rica with is trying to decide if she should book her vacation with her company now for June to see her family in Wisconsin (her Dad isnā€™t doing well). I told her that is probably very optimistic.

Also itā€™s absolutely ridiculous to make people book their vacations now with no flexibility. She works for a Japanese company in Germany so I guess no flexibility is standard.