COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I’m not minimalising this death but that is a quick covid death for this high risk ER worker (25th Dec visit to 4th Jan death? 11 days? Usually takes 5-9 days to test positive - symptoms to death in 6 days). With the obvious lack of any geonome surveillance in the US, is this an accurate test and trace of first infection or is there another new variant in town (or did this ER worker encounter an earlier infection I wonder)?

This is simply not true.

Opps… I guess I’m way behind


Man I should get you the shape sorter that I got my nephew for Christmas so you can learn about not putting every thing in the square hole.



Dead in 11 days from airsuit infection visit doesn’t sound good for vaccines that require >11 days from intitial dose to build immunity, doc

Seriously the shortest ‘possible’ infection to death that I’ve ever seen reported as fact, anywhere in the world. In a health worker too, you don’t say.

The peer review of the geonome tracking to prove this news article beyond reasonable doubt will be along shortly, I’m sure

I saw this first on Science Twitter, and someone captioned it “RNA-seq,” which I found hilarious but is probably out of the realm of all but a few here.

Please explain what this means.

Have you actually researched this? Some people get symptoms within two days and we have no idea what underlying conditions this person had. There’s no reason to suspect this wasn’t a standard COVID case.

Not every state is fucking riddled with COVID like Socal

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A lot of it is just lots of people. LA county’s per capita numbers aren’t that much worse than a lot of places, but there are so many people there that the raw numbers are eye popping.

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I skimmed through that article and couldn’t find tue expected protection percentage.

All of the vaccines protect against Covid after one shot like 50% of the time. IfJ&J is 90% plus then that is big. If it is 40%-60% pretty meaningless.

With reporters interviewing Trump supporters.


Meh. Some go down hill pretty fast. Could either be an outlier in terms of duration, not related, or side a mutant, but so far I don’t think it’s been reported that it causes more serious disease, just spreads easier.

Speculation in any direction at this point.

This guy loves attaching fines to everything lol

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It just said “10x” more antibodies generated with a two shot regime.

I think they really don’t get the challenge data (% reduction in infections vs control) vs the virus until phase 3. Numbers probably too small to publish in phase 2?

Reading between the lines the implication is the 2>1 but your point is valid. If I had to guess it takes two shots to get into the 90s. Seems like more the norm in vaccines.

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Even closing schools for some bizarre reason.


Spreading party first contact with now deceased person = 11 days
Covid jab takes time to build immunity after it goes in arm = 11+ days min IMO but maybe some believe your immune mins after injection

Amazed to hear all that ‘deaths lags cases by 3-4 weeks’ is now BS,when a case becomes a case after a pozzy test (result still takes days in US, only get test if showing symptoms’) to hear peeps are literally dropping dead 5 days later. Someone will no doubt link me to these cases inc. surveillance soon.

Are you legitimately surprised to hear that not everyone that succumbs to COVID-19 dies exactly between 21 and 28 days from infection though most tend to, or is that just shitposting?