COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yes, I get that. You should continue the same social distancing and other precautions for as long as they say it takes for vaccine to be fully effective. People who let down their guard before then are stupid, but your phrasing made me think that you were suggesting this time frame meant that there was a problem with the vaccine from a medical perspective.

Just surprised to hear 5 days is an outlier. And surprised such a claim could be made with respect to a high risk employee, expereincing such an outlier in a country not known for spotting outlier (but great at fake news / jumping to conclusions)

Shitposting would be being blind to the above.

So I suppose your whole ā€œI guess deaths lagging cases by 3-4 weeks is now BSā€ thing was just your way of saying that you donā€™t believe the person was infected by the inflatable outfit and then died 11 days later, got it. Just say what you mean.

I feel you man. Iā€™ve been working with a real estate agent to find a new place and Iā€™ve definitely told her multiple times about how I was taking it seriously, even in the context of finding a place (trying to pay a bit more for a standalone property even though itā€™s just me, so I can have my own entry). She assured me she was as well.

Drove across town the other day to meet her at a house, she had scheduled it with the cleaning crew still in there. She didnā€™t think it would be a big deal to me.

Itā€™s just the biggest freeroll of our lives to step like 2 more feet back and take a couple other precautions. And people just arenā€™t into it


Where else has reported the UK variant?

Cyprus and Brazil have become the latest countries to identify the new coronavirus variant, which was first discovered in the UK.

In total, more than 30 countries around the world have seen cases involving the new strain, including:

  • Europe : Netherlands, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Germany, Iceland, Belgium, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Ireland
  • North America: Canada, US
  • Latin America : Chile
  • Asia and Australia: Japan, Singapore, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Australia, Vietnam, China,
  • Middle East: Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, UAE, Jordan

Yeah I am guessing some people have died in a few days plus who had underlying issues but were never identified as having Covid because they died so quickly.

Yes, I call BS on a untracked case of covid causing death in a health care worker within 11 days of meeting airsuit man carrier, all reported as fact within what 12 hours of said death happening, without any sequencing proof, by a local news source in a country that still hasnā€™t detected itā€™s patient zeroā€¦

I demand a higher proof of such huge outliers. As would you if I posted such fine sources claiming similar.

But they also canā€™t vaccinate anyone not in tier 1(a), subtier bravo tango. Subject to $200,000 fine.

Not even close to the fastest Iā€™ve seen, like you have seen a single one.


If you have actual evidence that this personā€™s death has nothing to do with the inflatable costume thing, then post it. Otherwise, your incredulity carries no weight, and no one wants to read your baseless crusade based on nothing but your own ignorance.


Your hypothesis is not proof of anything either and you are choosing to die on a fucking anthill.

11 days is certainly not impossible or even much of an outlier from infection to death. Googling around I get everything in the 17-23 day range as the mean. Just a guess but that likely means 11 days is 2SD>11 days>1SD away.

A lot of the 28 day is reporting lag. Not the actual lag.

An air powered device could deliver a huge load of virus.

So like OMG OMG an inside straight draw came in on the river to beat your set.


PS. Love the avatar.

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Churchill will be excited to know that the new COVID variant has been detected in upstate New York


How exactly is it going to get better once Biden is in office? How much utility should we expect out of just ~ 50 to 60% of health care workers getting jabbed. What about the example they are setting?

A coherent federal communication and distribution strategy with more federal resources for states as opposed to ā€œlol mission accomplished, we gave you some vaccines, do betterā€ wonā€™t solve all problems and wonā€™t make all healthcare workers take the vaccine. It doesnā€™t take much imagination to think we will do significantly better than we are doing today though.


I actually nearly burst out laughing for the first time out of sheer despair when my eye caught the sign hanging above the register of my local gas station today, where none of the employees were masked.

It said to wear a mask because over 115,000 people are dead due to covid. Heh. That number is gonna look even more and more quaint before this is through.


Spurred by Shuffle over on 22, I finally was arsed to look up whatā€™s in the Pfizer vaccine. It is one synthetic lipid, one synthetic PEG-lipid compound, and the rest is literally food. The third lipid is naturally occurring in food. Even mRNA is found in literally every living thing you eat. Look out, bros. Thereā€™s motherfuckin SUCROSE in this motherfucker. And salt! Plain table salt, and a few others. Panic time!


Now tell us whatā€™s In the twinkies these mfers eat every day.

Fuck that. Iā€™m a mere Ph.D.

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Other than the lipids and the mRNA, the auxiliaries are, like, a flat Crystal Pepsi.