COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Israel began vaccinations on 19 December and is delivering jabs to about 150,000 people a day, with priority given to the over-60s, health workers and people who are clinically vulnerable.

Israel has safely subdivided shipments of the Pfizer vaccine, which must be stored at -70C, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein told YNet TV news. This means smaller batches of the vaccine can be sent out to remote communities.

Kyle rittenhouse should beā€¦wait a minute

Seems like one could shoot these anti maskers and claim ā€˜fearing for your lifeā€™, no?

Probably something like 2% of the US population is in the military or reserves. Probably ten times higher in Israel, with a corresponding 10x more currently trained medics and corpsman.

edit: looking it up, US military is way smaller than that. 1.3 million active duty US military and 900,000 reserves. Israel has 169,000 active and 465,000 reserve.

My employee is still on his bullshit that he can still go to our office today. It would require him to pick up our mail, then use the office elevator to get to our office. And then presumably heā€™d have to use the bathroom at some point while heā€™s there. So weā€™d be deciding for the mailbox store employees and anyone else at our office building today that theyā€™re ā€œprobablyā€ OK if heā€™s wearing a mask. If I was on the other end of the equation Iā€™d sure prefer the person who probably has COVID to stay the fuck home. And this guy might not be the absolute sharpest knife in the drawer, but heā€™s not a complete idiot. And he thinks itā€™s OK to go out into the world thinking he has COVID as long as heā€™s careful. We are so fucked.

Wait, the guy has an active case of COVID and is coming to work? Are you fucking kidding me?

Can you just fire him for general stupidity? That seems like cause, right?


Not confirmed because he hasnā€™t been tested yet, which is part of the problem. But heā€™s been sending his kids to his ex-wifeā€™s place and back, and that house is lousy with the COVID. And theyā€™re all sick and several have lost their taste and smell. So.

And no, heā€™s not coming to work. But heā€™s trying!

If I had a ready replacement for him I would really be considering this. Heā€™s worked for us for a loooong time and is good at his job. And is generally a really decent guy. Ugh.

Since he is the only guy going into the office and you need him to do stuff, what was your plan for if he gets COVID? How you deal with this sets a precedent for other people who might get sick and are supposed to go in for something.

If you keep him, you need to figure out a plan for his likely ā€œIā€™m immune because Iā€™ve already had it so I should be able to do anythingā€ attitude.

Is he getting paid when he stays home? Just tell him you want him to take paid sick time, but if heā€™s getting sick pay he should be staying home like people do when theyā€™re sick. You donā€™t need to fire a good employee and you motivate someone who probably has covid to stay home. win-win. And, I suspect thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re already doing.

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lol covid is so happy to be in the US. Also fitting the banner in front of the bar says ā€œgrab a drink while you still canā€


Yeah when I say that I donā€™t think a new strain is the main issue in California, stuff like that is the reason why.



Jesus christ, if heā€™s been exposed to people who have tested positive, he needs to be COMPLETELY ISOLATING for 10 days, and if presented with any symptoms, get tested. Full stop. Anything else is literally attempted murder.

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Isnā€™t this completely standard in every state?

I had a pretty low view of US society, but I have to admit, I didnt think weā€™d kill off 3% of the populace while dancing to YMCA reboots in the malls. Thatā€™s where this is heading.


it wasnā€™t over the summer

Now a death.

I know. But right now. So it is weird its hitting ca so much worse. But that could be explained by us doing better earlier so more low hanging fruit and higher population density?

This is a good question weā€™re addressing today! Heā€™s the only employee other than myself and my partners that ever needs to be in the office, so precedent isnā€™t really an issue. But we could easily be dealing with it even if it wasnā€™t a result of his choices.

Yes, heā€™s getting paid. Everyone is working from home (except for him two days a week) and getting paid. His drive to come into the office comes from knowing what a huge pain in the ass this causes for my partners and myself, and the effect it has on our service to our clients. And he knows he caused it.

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