COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Doesn’t the Illinois govt decide the allocation within Illinois?

If all of Illinois is depleted, someone needs to get some over there pronto.

Trump will get right on that. He loves Illinois.


According to the link below there is a state level plan but Chicago receives direct allocation from the federal government. Maybe they set up some mechanism to transfer vaccines to the city from other parts of the state if they have extra but not sure if they did or if there are a lot of extra elsewhere in the state

It looks like the US may be following in the UKs footsteps. I’m not sure this makes any sense if the current bottleneck is getting the shots we do have in arms.

They’re talking about cutting the dosage down, not reducing the number of shots. THat seems really stupid without sufficient data to see what effect that would have.

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The UK are using full dose, full dose - so not messing with dose
The UK are extending the time period between doses to ‘up to 12 weeks’ (India doing the same)
The UK have not approved Moderna

Germany looking into delaying second vaccine dose - report

Germany is seeking advice on whether to delay giving the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to make supplies go further, in a similar move to the UK, according to a document seen by the Reuters news agency.

The country’s health ministry has asked an independent vaccination commission for its opinion on administering the second shot later than 42 days after the first.

The UK will give both parts of both the Pfizer and the Oxford vaccines 12 weeks apart, having initially planned to leave 21 days between the Pfizer jabs.

I don’t have to read it. You shouldn’t trust them. Anyone who makes it to adulthood and is a Tory is a piece of shit. They may be a biologically/environmentally conditioned piece of shit that I could be convinced to have some sympathy for but since they are incapable of returning such thoughtfulness they should not be ever be in charge of making decisions affecting people.


To the doctors / knowledgeable people, could this possibly cause a vaccine-resistant strain to arise? Like how under-dosing on antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant mutations?

(Even if the answer is no, this still sounds dumb because we won’t know how effective the partial vaccine is, so we’ll still have to wear masks etc, but most people won’t.)

Kalamazoo (Pfizer) is only about 3 hours away.

I posted an expert virologist’s exact concern about mutation/evolution by not fully effective immunization. This weekend upthread.

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Data is from before the significant emergence of the new strain.

Right, messing with timing of second dose sounds a lot less dangerous then messing with the amount of each dose.

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Anti-maskers in LA.

I realize it isn’t exactly the same thing as the UK. I just meant we are also foolishly considering spreading the vaccine we do have thinner as well when we don’t know if it will work.

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I’ve never hit anyone in anger but if any of those twats got in my face they’re getting punched in theirs.


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Narry a cop to be found. Well done LA county and city PD

If you read the whole twitter thread, it is even worse than that. LAPD showed up but took no action.

It is vaccinate fast or a seven figure death toll here in USA.

Sounds like they’re using IDF medics to vaccinate. Since military service is compulsory they probably have way more trained personnel than other countries.

If only we had a large army in the US. Oh, well.