COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

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Your idea is basically setting up an experiment for a solved problem. Your experiment would put everyone you put in it at risk and come with 6-12 month timeframe delay before knowing if it would work and additional time before it could be implemented.

That would be dumb. Produce more vaccine, distribute it better. Follow the evidence. Taking shortcuts is a massive unnecessary risk that would be completely mitigated by doing other things better.


Do you maintain a strict diet?

And what are they basing this on? Is there evidence that 2 masked people passing by each other for less than 10 seconds can transmit the virus?

The answer to your question is that itā€™s possible, but not likely.

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They are basing it on a lack of certainty, due to it being a novel virus, so they would rather err on the side of caution. I think we should respect that choice, even if we have a higher risk tolerance for ourselves.

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As long as they tip wellā€¦

To me that has to do with the accumulated risk to the store employee. If 100 people walk by 1 person is different than 100 random interactions.

So itā€™s a courtesy to grocery staff.

I believe the hold up is that they arenā€™t moving down the list.

As to why theyā€™re not moving down, I think what you wrote is part of it, but not all if it.

Do we have any idea how many at the top of the list are refusing the vac? I assume this number is going to be so much higher than expected.

Didnt mean to reply to you, just a general thought.

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Well Iā€™m reading that doctors have a pretty high rate of desiring it, but just about every other type of health care worker (nurses, etc.) is hovering around 50%.

If I had to set an o/u Iā€™d say about 60% want it now. I donā€™t know that anyone has accurate numbers for this.

Sticking people in categories is just terrible at this point. Even the act of verifying that someone is in the right groups requires some manpower that would be better used just giving the damn shots.

Iā€™d even be OK if there was some prioritization at the end point. Just like how some grocery stores decided to offer special hours for only seniors to shop. That would be a much better way to do it, imo. At least better in terms of vaccinating more people in a shorter time.

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itā€™s important to remember that public health is not a priority in America and these agencies arenā€™t funded or experienced enough for this.


Itā€™s not just a courtesy. Itā€™s literally swaying the odds for you and the poor grocery store worker. By however little Itā€™s why the fuck weā€™re doing all this.
Minimize everything! 8 Bill people minimizing interactions will get us out of the tunnel better than all the dipshits who think 6 ft is a magic distance where the virus suddenly vanishes. Unless you just want to be a contrarian assholeā€¦


The current rollout is obviously horrible, and will get better once Biden gets in office, but frankly if we are rolled out with reasonable
uptake and an understanding of who has immunity for how long and have the ability to roll out boosters by early to mid 2022 we got super bailed out by science and it is a first pump celebration. I assumed 2021 was a pandemic write off and good chance 2022 is too. I keep telling my wife no plans with flights until 2023. Just the reality of a pandemic. I do
think Fauci is right and that we probably can see our families again end of 2021, which will make things so much more bearable

EDIT: the holiday and underfunding pieces made above are great points. Its not like there are extra waves of people just sitting on benches ready to be activated for a pandemic, state budgets are stretched to the max, and the public health departments getting crushed for the last year deserve a holiday too. The pace will pick up, but if they get everyone the chance to get vaccinated at some point in 2021 it will be basically a met to beat expectations for me. Cant not pay, not plan for, and not resource something then expect it to magically happen fast and well.

One of my employees, the only one who ever comes to the office (twice a week to an otherwise empty office), knowingly exposed himself over the holiday break. Itā€™s complicated and it sucks: heā€™s divorced with kids. The ex lives with a new guy and his family, who all got sick. The grandma in that house died. So he was faced with a tough situation and he came up with: ā€œI just wasnā€™t willing to force (the ex) to let me keep the kids or spend the entire Christmas break without them, so here we are.ā€

Whatā€™s also super fucking annoying is that he started getting symptoms last Wednesday and 1) is only telling us now (heā€™s needed in the office this week) and 2) he hasnā€™t been tested yet. He had some whole plan where heā€™d still go to the office and we told him he shouldnā€™t do anything until he gets tested.

I donā€™t know wtf he thought was going to happen. I think he was just closing his eyes and hoping for the best. The problem is, that doesnā€™t account for all the other people impacted by his decision. Like, for instance, HIS KIDS. I hope they end up OK (everybodyā€™s sick).


We have a friend enrolled in the JnJ phase 3. This trial is a one shot but a two shot regime worked better in the monkeys. Looks they are going to do a 2 shot trial as well.

This is a direct antigen injection, essentially the spike protein (or some part of it).

Iā€™m not sure if they have already started one shots with the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna).

Not trying to restart the discussion. Iā€™m on team let the experts decide and keep the politics types out of it. I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to speculate about other regimes and hopefully those alternatives are under study and consideration if feasible.

But no I donā€™t think we should change based on a theory and/or hope. Has to be on data.

ā€œ In J&Jā€™s newest preclinical study, the animals got a single shot of the vaccine candidates, and that did provide significant immunity to COVID-19. But previous studies by Barouchā€™s group showed that giving a second booster shot raised the antibody response by tenfold in both animals and people.ā€

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No kink shaming there, Toobin.


Drove by Parx Casino today in an errand. Just looked at the board on 2p2 and yeesh, poker players can be less than stellar humans.

Been almost a year since Iā€™ve played live.

I drove by a half dozen diners during brunch hours today and they were all packed.

Man last hospitalization numbers (which I think are most accurate during the holiday period) are spiking in a bad way

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So according to my mayor, we seem to have a supply issue here in Chicago

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