COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Some think we can and should be doing much better RIGHT NOW. Some are just shrugging the shoulders and saying “It must be hard,”

Time to disengage for a bit. I am being an ahole.

I really hope Biden has a sweeping plan to boost the states on day 1.

Suzzer why don’t you tell me where the actual failure is and I’ll start thinking of solutions. Everyone at my 2 hospitals that wanted the vaccine has had the first shot. Both hospitals have the second shot in the freezer and is waiting for the 3 weeks to pass. I can’t speak for the other hospitals, but assuming they got the vaccines from the state they are more than capable of putting them in arms.

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With all due respect Will…why wouldn’t the doses currently in your freezers be injected into arms of whoever is next in priority on the assumption that a new shipment will arrive in time for second doses for hospital personnel?

The actual failure is falling 10x short of our stated goal. The actual failure is being on pace to be done by 2030.

I’m not saying your hospital is dropping the ball, nor am I claiming to be an expert in the details as to why we’re falling so much short of the goal the actual experts set.

In 17 days, parts of US will be experiencing the full blown effects of VUI-202012/01 and hopefully being adjusting stay home to lockdown accordingly.

And hopefully Jessica Alba finally answers my letters and accepts a date with me in 17 days. Probably about the same probability.


yeah, you’ll be out of self-isolation by then - be able to pop out for a takeout ;)

Expert virologist says don’t eff around with the timing of the doses. Don’t give partial immunity and time for the virus to mutate its way around the defenses. Wipe it out in individuals as soon as possible. Plus some immune system stuff.


The doses can be kept for six months at sufficiently low temperatures. I don’t think we’re going to have a lot of vaccine sitting around going bad unless they take too much out of cold storage too soon in a rush to vaccinate people.

Given the logistics of the temperature requirements, it would make sense to err on the side of starting out too slow rather than rolling things out too fast. People who said that COVID was just like the flu were wrong. If you’re under the impression that rolling out the COVID vaccine is like delivering flu shots, you’re probably equally wrong.

This will go a lot faster once we aren’t reserving the vaccine for vulnerable populations and people can just drop into a place set up at a vaccination center on their own schedule.

we don’t need more right now. Nobody who wants a vaccine is eligible. The hospital has the ability to decide who gets priority within group 1a. They don’t have the ability to give vaccines to group 1b without violating state DoH orders.

The goal was 20 million. We got 3 million. That is a massive failure, no?

Does you state require everyone in group 1a to get both shots before they open up the vaccine to group 1b?

Half dose full dose data is a suggestion not data given the quality. Even the companies scientists have some disagreement with what happened in the Italy trials.

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Then those need to change. You seem to think this is a personal attack on your hospital. It’s absolutely not that. It’s an attack on the system and the current pace.


UK doing full dose followed by full dose (you’re a couple of day behind) so point is mute (moot)

The evidence on half dose followed by full dose (1,300 patients) not enough but stats on spacing 2 full does for up to 12 weeks obviously more convincing*

*oxford only

Not even the foggiest idea. I know we can’t start giving 1b without authorization. I also know we have way more capacity to store the Pfizer vaccine than we are currently using. The state hasn’t sent us another batch. So afaict there isn’t a plan to move to 1b anytime soon.

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Any idea when this is supposed to happen?

Then you aren’t paying any attention. The problem has been not having any plan.

Feds to states: you figure it out
States to counties: you figure it out
Counties to cities: you figure it out
Cities to health organizations: you figure it out

Bad distribution? Go figure.

It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with freezers at this point.

Sure, but you are yelling at clouds and because of it we are all fucking up the covid thread. You know nothing and frankly I only know a tiny bit more. What I do know is this is a political issue at the state level, not a logistics issue at the local level. At least here in western Washington.