COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The early NG episodes are painful to watch. Young Riker comes on screen I can’t help but dislike that poser.

STNG didn’t hit stride until they got rid of wesley crusher

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Twas not meant to be a shot at yourself, I noted your kerbside collect, 2hr wait for tables was why I referenced.

The spread of highly contagious coronavirus variants is threatening to fuel a “potential fourth surge of cases” in the US, a top health official has warned.

Secondary pupils in England will be asked to take a rapid lateral flow test twice a week to help identify anyone who might be infectious.

Pupils are required to be given three initial tests at school or college before moving to home testing. There is no testing planned for primary school pupils.

Prof Semple, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, told BBC Breakfast: “The good news is we’re finding quite low rates of active infection within the schools.”

He said 1.2% of secondary students and 1.6% of teachers had tested positive, quoting a survey published on Monday by the Office for National Statistics. The ONS tested about 12,000 pupils and teachers in early December.

In some areas, only 0.4% of the tests came back positive, Prof Semple said.

1 year ago:

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Wow, the shelves at my Kroger were about twice as empty as that.

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Still have half a box of ramen and some rice I got last year. Conveniently, also about a dozen rolls of TP remaining.

I assumed the point of that photo was nobody buying Goya for being MAGA loving crazies.

The entire section in that first photo was Goya. All the black and kidney beans were cleared out, but some of the less popular products were still available.

Grocery stores didn’t start getting picked clean here until about a week later.

The Goya boycott was after the pandemic started.

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Time is loop for me.

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Pretty sure the point of the photo is that Upper East Siders think black-eyed peas and macaroni shells are too gauche.

I remember the pasta aisle at my grocery store only had gluten-free pasta at one point, because even in a crisis no one will eat that crap.


ditto vegan shit

Weren’t you just telling us a few days ago that the CDC’s warnings of a plateau were ludicrous?

I beg to differ. Costco apple pie is apparently vegan. I’d eat that all day.

Edit: Oh. You meant pasta. Nevermind. Upstairs neighbor moving out or insanely restive so little sleep for me.

I don’t see how you could have misunderstood this, but that was Dr Topol’s description, not my own. I continue to think it likely that aggregate case counts will increase sharply soon, and that the apparent plateau is a mirage caused by superimposing the epidemic curves for regular COVID and B117. (And there are some good graphics in that Twitter thread illustrating it.)

First doses looking pretty good: