COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah you’re an asshole, I’ve been locked down for seven months now and I’m about to start taking risks to bring money in because I live in a country full of morons like you who are either selfish or don’t understand science or both and it’s hopeless for at least five more months.

Seven months was plenty of time to get the curve crushed but assholes like you had to do stupid shit like going to fucking football games because you were too immature to sit on your ass for a few months and watch Netflix or watch the games on TV.

So here we are, now I get to roll the dice with my underlying conditions so fuck you and everyone doing stupid shit like you. You’re an enormous piece of shit. Go lick a doorknob you fucking asshole.


I now know someone with COVID – just got word that one of my coworkers is infected, along with probably her entire family. We nearly had to take her computer away from her to keep her from working herself into the ground, she was working through it while waiting for her test results despite feeling like utter dogshit and everyone telling her to go back to bed.

Bleh, this sucks.



Why is anybody wasting time arguing with this creep?



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Oh look there are 70 new posts in the Covid thread, something big must have happened…

(4 minutes later…)



We’ve got some Grade A content going in other threads, arguments about mayonnaise for example.


My wife had a perfectly healthy 21 year old college student die after an extended hospital stay from Covid this week. Hopefully he at least got to tailgate an OU game before he died.


There aren’t just 2 choices: lockdown or open up

We could also just wear masks, actually quarantine for 14 days when exposed, keep restaurants to takeout only, and ideally quarantine for 1-2 months then test and trace aggressively.

You know, like the countries who did it right do.

You’ve drank the koolaid and are glad “leaders” give you cover to trade lives for $$$ so you do you. But don’t fool yourself into thinking there are two binary options here.


Well, I also like orgies.


Pretty good odds they also have him on some kind of fever reducing medication too, right?

Honestly, I’d probably be safer from covid in America than the Czech Republic at this point.

Based on the evening reports, it’s looking like we’re gonna break 5,000 cases in a day today.


Party of personal responsibility though.

The steroids reduce fever

You’re joking, right?

That moron is right about one thing: the United States has decided to let this thing simmer for the next year+ and just groove on tens of thousands of daily cases and a couple 9-11’s worth of deaths every week from here on out.

We could have acted rationally, but that isn’t our brand at the moment, so it truly is every man, woman, and child for themselves. Dipdonk here is gonna go bug chasing, and maybe he’ll get it or maybe he won’t. Won’t make much of a difference either way.


Whoever told them not to tell their roommates should be up on charges of some sort.


FaceTimed my mom for her birthday and was put on hold for a sec while she let the unmasked neighbor in for a big hug. No big deal because they mostly go the same places. Also I shouldn’t be afraid of the virus. Also, h1n1 killed more people than covid. Love this hellworld.


Doesn’t name Trump, doesn’t endorse Biden, fuck of nejm

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