COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The dude at the window handling the testing process was free-nosing it. We’re so fucked lol…

Test was pretty easy. I probably stuck it farther up there than I had to, I made my eyes water a bit. I didn’t want to risk not going far enough and getting a false negative.

I also got there 10 mins early and ended up waiting 50 minutes for my turn. Took me about 5 mins to get through the process, took some people 10+. I assume they didn’t bring their confirmation code or showed up without an appointment.

But it’s done and he said wait a couple days and check the website. LOL if he thinks I won’t be mashing F5 in a couple hours.


I always interpreted that as her poker face for shamelessly lying to 330M people.

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I also assumed she was intentionally abusing stereotypes. ‘I’m a poor little victim’ weaponized to sell this administration. Honestly being even a little bit talented + being willing to rep the late state Trump admin puts her in a different category than her predecessors (except Huckabee). She’s probably a genuinely evil person. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

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100% report him.


Whoa whoa whoa let’s dispel with this notion that Spicer is not completely evil. The Mooch I could maybe believe was just a workaday grifter who got in over his head, but the rest of them are all monsters.


Wow thats nuts. In NY the national guard is administering these testing sites and there are signs everywhere to keep your windows rolled up at all times.


This whole set of posts is built around evaluating these people like we’re an evil entities HR department. The reason why the first string gets judged on how fast they got out is because the situation was obviously hugely toxic and they all had something to lose. It’s about how long it takes them to cut bait and bail, as well as how relatively unscathed they were. Everything Trump touches dies, and recognizing that and bailing out was the only viable play for the first string.

You’re right about the Mooch probably. I mean he does VERY well on my metrics he got out really really really fast.

I consider every member of Trumps first string evil lol. Just a different kind of smarter more lawful evil than the full blown stupid chaotic evil Trump. It’s also a quantitatively different thing to think you’re going to be in a relatively normal Republican admin and volunteering to be the face of this admin in the 4th quarter lol. The mask is all the way off.

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I don’t know if she’s evil so much as completely amoral and willing to do evil, not that the distinction matters. I had a scary run in with a sociopath in my dating life and I get an eerily similar vibe with a lot of McEnany’s facial expressions.

Specifically the blank look as she’s listening to a question/statement and figuring out how to respond. It’s like this emotionless blank canvass she has not yet decided how to paint.

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Yeah it’s precisely that flexibility that makes evil HR executive me want her so bad. I don’t feel like she’d do something that would embarrass me unnecessarily, but I also think she’d do my dirty work without so much as a moments hesitation. All while doing a pretty good job of appearing normal.

“You need me to dump the 5 tons of neurotoxin into the river upstream from the town sir? Yes consider it done.” I genuinely don’t think she would even think about it except in the context of how to make sure she didn’t get into trouble for it, if she even could understand why it was wrong.


I don’t even know how, when I tried to call the location yesterday it was impossible to get anyone local on the phone it all runs through corporate. Given my symptoms going inside is a bad idea. Maybe online?

They are running it like drive through banking so it’s fairly safe for customers breathing but he’s at higher risk of catching it and then passing it via smear.

You would think it would be common fucking sense.

Yeah as long as she knows she can climb the ladder she’ll do anything and everything. She’s doing it all for herself though, so the only way she’ll offer loyalty is if it’s in her own self-interest.

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That’s probably why she’s making a show of it here at this WH. That proven willingness to be a team player and take punches is what evil HR exec also loves so much.

But yeah with anyone ambitious you have to give them a clear advancement path or expecting them to be loyal is pretty unrealistic.

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JBS3 was lawful evil D&D elf for sure lol

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This just in: the CDC thinks this coronavirus thing could be pretty contagious, after all!


“website error” lol

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Game changer

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Maybe the government will let us know tomorrow that actually the whole Trump Presidency was a website error. Oops!

Jesus Christ 25% of tests came back positive on Sunday in the Czech Republic.

Shit’s getting bad here. Real bad. Pretty sure schools are done for a long time. Or at least they fucking should be.


Back to school still going well