COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The herd immunity crowd gets a special wing in the Darwin Nominee/WINNAR building.

uhhh because even assuming half of them got it you still wouldn’t be at herd immunity. Also herd immunity doesn’t apply to this group as it has constant close contact outside of it.

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If we had 15% symptomatic what would be a reasonable guess at asymptomatic carriers at that point? Our mask compliance on calls is 100% of course but it’s 0% when we’re in house, and we’re in close proximity for 24 hours at a time every third day.

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no one can give you a reasonable guess. It’d just be made up bullshit. The real thing is that your employees are not an isolated herd, so herd immunity doesn’t apply.


I read somewhere it’s the high quality raw materials that are the bottleneck, not the vaccine manufacturing.

Your modified concept of herd immunity doesn’t really pull much weight here though. By definition, every time the number of new cases starts going down, it’s because Rt < 1 due to the combination of how the population is behaving and how many of them have immunity.

The other thing is that reaching the herd immunity (or whatever) threshold on the back of uncontrolled spread should result in total infections going significantly above the threshold, because the active infection chains take time to fizzle out. So the actual number for pseudo-herd-immunity would have to be significantly less than the number of cases that are actually out there.

Friend of mine who works in a care facility in the UK is getting the jab tomorrow, first person I know personally getting vaccinated. Feels good to feel like it’s getting closer in some way.


Sure? I was just saying that I wasn’t aware of any aggressive lockdown-style mitigation strategies in ND or SD, so it seems like herd immunity (for the level of social distancing that’s being taken there at this time) is the explanation for the decrease in cases. Which, as suzzer points out, doesn’t mean that there won’t be another outbreak later on when that level of social distancing decreases.


As Caffeine said, you can’t really have herd immunity for a subset of people when they have contact to people outside of it.

As far as asymptomatic infections, most estimates I’ve seen are around 20% of infections. Here’s one link in Nature pointing to that number.

Also, there’s a majority of infections that result in mild symptoms. For one reason or another there’s no test and it isn’t a known case. Some smart people estimate that we are detecting about 1 in 3 infections right now. As per covid19-projections:

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Why some people with coronavirus have no symptoms and others get extremely ill is one of the pandemic’s biggest puzzles.

A study in Nature of more than 2,200 intensive care patients has identified specific genes that may hold the answer.

They make some people more susceptible to severe Covid-19 symptoms.

IME Filipino’s are getting nailed. Might be because there’s a lot of nurses are Filipino, but they seem way overrepresented to me.

Just came to post this, absolutely disgusting how selfish some people are


I assume that he volunteered himself and his family to be given the deadly virus to get the herd-immunity ball rolling.

This is a sadly weak study. GWASes are always pretty easy to read too much into, but they didn’t even contrast the GWAS of critical patients with one from non-crtical patients.

I put 100% of the blame for this shit on Republicans and the right-wing news media. The masses are always going to be uninformed. If you tell them covid no big deal they’re going to act accordingly.




Looks like peak tests.

Same source (Nature) as the poster I was replying to - most of the studies relating to Covid-19 are sadly weak at this early stage. A couple of reputable sources put it out there so I thought I’d pass on, for what it’s worth

The very first thing they teach in Risk Assumption 101 is that you cannot assume Risk for other people, especially if they are uninformed of the Risk.