COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

One of my relatives who is an exec at Boeing tells me the vaccines that have to be kept super cold have been effective enough that huge amounts have been stockpiled awaiting approval and the airlines and Boeing have been investing a huge amount in preparing to transport it all over the world. Still, there are a lot of people in the world and they are looking at distribution for health care workers first.

Looks like the classes I do have in-person starting Wednesday will be part-time.

Basically, MWF in person. Tu-Th online.

So that’s two classes each on Mon/Wed and one class Friday. Though this Friday I’ll have to teach my online classes in the teacher’s room since I won’t have enough time to get to my flat to do them there.

That probably won’t last long. Once we enter the third level of the anti-epidemic system, the alternating days will probably end. So maybe we’ll do this for 2 weeks before those classes are done everyday.

The rest of mine probably won’t start until 2021.

That would be best in a perfect world, but as I understand it the other vaccines are more difficult to make and store so would take longer to roll out (I could be wrong).

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I recommend that he check out r/stopdrinking on Reddit, download the recommended books, and read the posts every day (hour, minute, whatever it takes). It’s a very accepting and civil place, and there is always someone going through exactly what you are.

Eating some edibles and watching mindless TV (e.g., football) helped me in some early alone days.


After just one 9/11 we closed every commercial flight in the country for two days. But having one 9/11 every 3 days, have at it.

That analogy occured to me as well.

One of the big failings of the Covid management has been trying to persuade the public of the risk of Covid with charts and data curves. People need a visceral fear of Covid but there has been little to no public messaging about the terrors of Covid.

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We are down to less than 2 days per 9/11. 7dma is 1547.

Cobb County schools superintendent Chris Ragsdale said “there are no metrics” for determining if certain school should be closed and that there are no plans to go back to 100% virtual. The OFB/OFS genius said “There is not going to be trigger or a number or a level,” even though there was earlier this year.

Before the county’s schools went back in-person (optional), he said that COVID cases in Cobb had to drop to a 14-day average of 200 per 100,000 people. They did. Great!

As of Thursday the number was back to 244. But “We are in a different time than we were in the summer.”

How frequently do they show the hospital horror scenes on cable and broadcast news? That has to be incredibly persuasive and if it isn’t happening that seems like a huge fail.


Two days ago my wife went through a line of cars about a mile long. She felt a little sick and there’s been a hospital stay in our circle. She feels fine now. Probably nothing, but no result yet.

No fast testing sucks.

There’s not just feeling sick, but having spent time with someone who felt a little sick and having spent time with someone who spent time with someone who felt sick. Even among people who haven’t been yolo’ing at bars this becomes a lot of people quickly.

Am I supposed to quarantine? Am I supposed to not help my in-laws or mom who have few options? My daughter has been staying at a friends. Should they have taken her? Should they all quarantine?

A fast available test would be nice.


FWIW a week ago I was able to to get a PCR test with same day results in Santa Monica. Had to pay $200, but they are (or were) available.


Thanks. If her test comes back positive or maybe if we just don’t hear by tomorrow, I’ll look at that.

Long time friend of mine that def doesn’t need to get it due to overweight etc. He works in a manufacturing setting in the office but is required to be in office and is in the factory plenty as well. He’s had to get tested a few times due to people in the office being pozzed but dodged it so far. This morning says he has to go get tested again, a guy that he worked with all day friday tested Pozz saturday. He was wearing a mask but just a cloth one. Says he thought his taste was weird this morning but not 100% sure.


As someone else noted this weekend, this is another reason not to try the stats this week. A flood of folks trying to lol “cleared” for Thanksgiving could drive down % positive and also lengthen results lags.

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SUB-do you guys have room filters? There has been some good press (I think I posted an article last week?).

And the rate will be increasing. Rapidly. Soon.

I turned on AM radio this morning to see if they had done a 180 on Sidney Powell yet. Instead from the Glenn Beck program I got 30 full minutes of how everyone should be having Thanksgiving as normal and people shouldn’t let the chicken little libs run their lives. It did not do wonders for my already high blood pressure. WAAF.

My wife’s test result is in and negative.


No. Used to have the windows open but I doubt given the weather that’ll happen.

School will be maybe 20% full.

It seems like it would be hard to compare missing school during pandemic with missing school before a pandemic. I mean, what are reasons that kids were missing school?