COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Quality chicken is fairly inexpensive. Buying the frozen hotdog chicken mishmash of tortured factory chicken seems weird to me. But to each their own.


Listen. Don’t problem solve. If she wants to quit, support her exploring it. But again just listen. She may just be venting. Ask her what she needs.

Learned in marriage #2 that often we take turns being strong/weak. The venting person or the shoulder to cry on. Things really only go sideways when for whatever reason you both are in the weak role and either both say something stupid or resent the other person for not being supportive even though there is something they can’t deal with either.

Good luck.


Don’t be me though. I ordered a whole chicken from my local butcher and it was quite the surprise. I was expecting like a 3-4 pound chicken at $6 a pound so $18-$24 or something right…? Nope. I open my door (curbside delivery) and there is a god damn Jurassic Park style 10 pound chicken wrapped up. Spent $60 on a single bird…

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It’s good advice. I’ve tried to do what I can and have a good meal cooked for her when she gets home and let her have her space. I just am seeing this take a toll on her and not sure how to deal with it.

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To be fair $6/lb isn’t probably much more expensive than what Tyson frozen chicken patties cost. Plus you get to eat a higher quality product and not support an evil company.

Where the hell are you paying $6/lb for chicken.

we get thighs for about $1/lb and I think breasts for less than $2. Can get a whole rotisserie chicken already cooked for $5-$6.

Even the preseasoned stuff is less than $6/lb.

Yeah I was totally cool with $6 a pound chicken, I just didn’t need to feed the entire city of Indianapolis with it.


Local butcher that gets it from the some tiny ass local farm. I definitely pay a premium for supporting the butcher, but I don’t want them to go out of business during this.


If it’s warm enough get some takeout and throw a folding table and chairs in the car or a blanket. Whenever one of us has a real bad day it’s nice to go out even if it’s just a deli/fast food or pizza. Phones down. Talk about anything else.

Cold weather is going to suck cause it’s gonna kill eating outside. Some of the places are going too far with sealed up tents that fit might as well be inside.

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I can get a 26-ounce bag of those chicken patties for under $6.


Hating on chicken patties is why Dems continue to lose


Yeah, I’m fine with that. Using the whole buffalo is a good thing. We’ve been packing up the leftover bits into tubes and patties for thousands of years.

It’s one thing if Tyson the company is significantly worse than other other chicken processors, but I see absolutely nothing inherently wrong with giant McNuggets.

Wegmans has some pretty good frozen strips but one thing that happened with Covid is that I tried to figure out how to get me personal lunch costs down. I can get 8 1/2 pound thighs and have one of those for lunch (we have a little food sealer deal to freeze to spread out over a couple of weeks). Add a pasta or rice side and I’m good. So we don’t even butMy the strip/patties anymore.

Went through a shit ton of banquet/Tyson’s when the kids were little.

It is!

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What kills me is that my deplorable mother’s hatred for Di Blasio and Cuomo is completely rational and justifiable. It’s the only thing she’s right about politically.

Bunch of progressives on this forum eating tortured chicken dicks. It’s not a huge sacrifice to pay a couple extra/lb to buy humane local stuff that tastes 5x better and is made of identifiable parts, with the added bonus of helping local farmers. I don’t pontificate about a lot of stuff, but lol giving money to the sociopaths at Tyson.


For most of my life we’ve been having the standard grocery store frozen turkey and mom always would take the various extraneous bits out of the turkey, boil them, and try feeding them to the cats. And the cats would never go for them.

The past few years, we’ve been getting turkey from this local free-range farmer and now the cats just go wild for all the various boiled innards and whatnot. It’s kind of terrifying to think about what this implies about the agro-industrial food-like products we’ve been eating all our lives.


These are completely different issues. The former is a real thing that people should try to do. The latter is wasteful squeamishness. If we’re going to kill animals for food we should be using every part instead of acting like we’re royalty entitled to only the best bits while casting the rest down to the serfs and dogs.


What if like you cast it down to your household pets and they refuse to eat it, that’s where I’m at.

Eat your pets.