COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yep, my hike. I sat down on a rock and just stared at shit for 30 minutes.


Talked to my brother today. He had COVID back in March. Was sick like 2 weeks. He has scarring on his lungs and can’t hike anymore. Used to hike 50ish miles a week. Took him a month to get up to 1/2 mile without having to sit for 20 minutes. This shit isn’t going away even for those that don’t really get sick.


JFC that is exactly my worst nightmare. Thank you for again reinforcing my vigilance to not get this thing.


Yea it was an eye opener for me as well. My brother doesn’t drink, smoke, ect. Is 55 but has always hiked and backpacked his entire life. Him not doing this is like LeBron James not being able to pass the ball.

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I’m 51 and apparently have high blood pressure. I just cannot risk getting this.

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Same. I’m 44 and on 2 blood pressure medications.

Risk calculator:

I’m 1/6 to die if I get it, apparently.

0.45% for me

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50-50 for me



Moms has basically 99% chance of dying though so I act like I also have a 99% chance of dying


30.9% for me. I’m feeling a bit faint.

2.65% for me, but I’m not worried about fading a one-outer.

It’s the “guy who used to run half-marathons now struggles to go up a few flights of stairs” stories that terrify me.


If those figures are based on cases so far they’re probably exaggerating the risk, because hospitals know far more now about how to treat infected patients than in the first few months.

The funeral home for the service today is AMIGONE funeral home. It is the directors name. I assume it’s An Italian pronounciation but seriously Funny.

Let’s see how the mask wearing is
In Buffalo. Pretty confident the very religious Aunt is in the bag for Trump.

Lots of jeebus talk. Accept and be saved. Otherwise ok but long. Everyone wore masks except whoever was speaking. The crazy aunt wore a face shield.

I resisted the urge to ask if I could whack everyone there and then ask forgiveness and accept jeebus and go into heaven.

Indoor part was well over an hour. 10 mins graveside. Now in a church basement where family pods are eating and then putting masks on when done.

I think on the lower risk side of these type of gatherings but certainly higher risk than my day to day life has been. Jeebus save me.

No local rise in cases. Pretty flat all summer through now.



MIL also tested positive. Even if everything somehow turns out well, the next few weeks gonna awful


Couple more students in my school tested positive over the weekend. So that’s more classes cancelled next week. Thankfully, I have not contacted any of these students myself.

I mean what’s the point of having school if half the damn students are either on a trip or quarantined?


I hope it works out ok and they make a quick recovery. Hang in there.


Remember COVID19?

These last 24 hours, man.