COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

One factor limiting lockdowns is news about rising cases has to compete with election shenanigans. People need an appropriate amount of fear to do effective lockdowns and they won’t get it if they mostly hear about the election. Fortunately, I haven’t heard of people dismissing COVID news in the last week due to conspiracy theories, but that’s probably because most states haven’t done new restrictions.

My daughter actually had to go to school to take the PSAT this morning (well, she didn’t HAVE to, as it’s optional for her grade, but she wanted to give it a shot to see what it was all about). I’m not overjoyed, but it should be safe. No school on Wednesdays during the pandemic and today’s testing is only for “virtual” kids. Only about 30% of the school went virtual and this is only for her grade. Plus, not every kid in her grade is going to take it. Thus - and they promised this would be the case - social distancing should be pretty easy. Masks required, of course.

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Holy fuck.


Absolutely not imo.


Missouri was finally added into yesterday. 6559/119 dead. That put us at 142k/1465 yesterday. That is a nearly 50k case increase from last Tuesday and the largest day of deaths in several months.

getting that herd mentality. Bold!

LOL Staten Island.


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The dumbest possible timeline was always mass death right before the vaccine arrived, and this administration is pretty fucking great at mailing the dumbest possible timeline.

I think that about 50% of the country needs to see what happened in Italy happen close to them. Not in NYC, in their own back yard. Only then can we consider a proper response in most places.

Also they’ll never admit they were wrong, they’ll say it mutated or something and went from the flu to a real threat and the libs were still snowflakes.


Just one guy’s uninformed opinion but I think we’re in 100% fucked, bring out your dead territory. It’s going to be a very long, dark winter. I’d love to be wrong.


We’re pretty damn close to already having a 9/11 a day baked in to the case numbers, 3K/day seems unavoidable. That said, some areas won’t classify deaths as covid without tests so a lot may not get counted.


Ya Herd!?!.

The Flyover Country of NYC.

May be ponied on this:

Some clinicians wondered, though, if the decision to authorize doses of 700 milligrams — rather than a greater quantity — was made in part because the drug is in short supply.

In data first released in September, researchers tried three different doses, but only the middle one — 2,800 milligrams — met the primary goal that the study had set, of reducing the amount of virus found inside patients. Given that that wasn’t the case for those patients who got either 700 milligrams or 7,000 milligrams, it seemed like this finding might just be a fluke. After all most patients, even those who’d gotten a placebo, had almost no virus in them at all after 11 days, anyway.

So this thing does not work. Eli Lilly still wants to make money, though, so they’re gonna sell a bunch of small doses to make the most out of the stuff they’ve already manufactured.

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My roommate comes in this morning and tells me she’s heading to Vegas today for a bachelorette party this weekend. We are both getting pozzed.


We said this last week itt. 20/1000 14 day total sum that I chart. Its pretty effin unreal.

Doing some quick looks at worldometers:

Of the 10 largest total cases states:

NY-cases ticking up, but slowly so far
TX-cases clearly heading up, but statewide not horrible (but omg El Paso)
CA-again mild statewide climb
FL, GA, TN-early stages of uptick
NC-slow growth
IL, WI–exponential, effed right now
NJ-uptick turning to exponential

Of these top 10, they are contributing very little to the overall growth rate in cases and even less to the increase in deaths.

Bottom line, once these states all go exponential (and why wouldn’t they), thats where we get to 3,000 plus deaths per day. Happy Holidays. Stay the F home.

Suggest we add some new abbreviations-OF Open For

OFP-Party time
OFD-Indoor Dining including bars
OFE-Entertainment, Spectator Sports

IMO, we need to lock back down to OFB. Everything else should be shut down and shut down now. Let the manufacturing economy run. Schools and Churches stay online. Interstate travel severely restricted. No gatherings over 10 people. If you want sports games, the play them in empty stadiums. Figure out how to bubble if you want to play. College sports should shut down.

Finally I’ve bit the bullet and adjusted the model to reflect the reality of September/October and projecting forward a 3% growth rate that started Oct8 and use a 28 day cfr of 2%.

It could easily be worse. I do think the case numbers won’t be seen simply because the testing will fall behind again. But assuming that is the number of cases, then the death term will be very real.



Don’t sex-shame.



Ahh yes, we’re clearly missing the stage when gangbangs have to involve glory holes

In frequent posts on Twitter and sports message boards, Lamb has said that masks don’t prevent the coronavirus from spreading; that lockdowns are ineffective; that hydroxychloroquine, a drug touted by President Donald Trump, can treat the virus; that COVID-19, which he said might be part of a Chinese “biowar,” is not more deadly than the flu; and that the virus isn’t dangerous for children to contract.

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