COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

They are addressing it to healthcare workers too though. Someone has to treat the head in the sand people and being callous to them and wishing it on them is also being callous to those who risk their lives to treat them.

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Maybe with Trump on his way out, it’s safe for Republicans to to implement reasonable measures.

  • Statewide mask mandate

  • No social gatherings for 2 weeks other than immediate family

  • No sports with some exceptions including college fb

  • Expanding test program. National Guard involved(!)

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The part about this being baked in is crucial. Changes made now won’t show up for 2-4 weeks.

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I’ve probably posted about this before, but I was watching an episode of The Twilight Zone a while ago (as one does), and there’s an episode with a girl in a leg brace and that’s like absolutely for serious the only single piece of pop culture I’ve ever seen anywhere from that era that references the polio epidemic. To be clear, the show itself doesn’t explicitly say “Polio” but everyone watching at the time understood what was going on. All of the US at the time knew about polio and saw children in leg braces, but it was never on the TV. Knowing Rod Serling, he probably fought hard to include this bit on his show because he was basically a badass who wanted to tell his stories and gave zero fucks.

Man, the Wikipedia entry for this episode doesn’t even mention polio. Like for a long time it was just a super taboo thing to ever speak about this disease.


And like, I get it? When COVID-19 is done I’m not gonna want to watch movies or TV shows about the epidemic. I am happy to throw that shit down the memory hole. I totally understand why no one in the 1950’s-60’s ever referenced children with leg braces or iron lungs or any of the other horrifying shit they lived through. That is some traumatic shit to live through; my mom has told me about a childhood friend who wound up getting crippled by polio.

What I’m getting at here is that we have a Boomer generation that has almost totally has erased from its memory banks the terrifying consequences of these epidemics. If you’re a younger Boomer, I think you maybe lived through an unprecedented era in human history where we didn’t have any major pandemic diseases ripping through the population to deal with (except for AIDS, because no one cares about those people, thanks Reagan!), and that’s part of the reason why so many of them can’t comprehend why this is a very real thing they should be fighting against. Like, we’ve had a generation with almost no real lived experience of what a pandemic disease can do. Which is very ahistorical. Like, for real, these terrifying diseases ripping through the human population is sort of a normal thing that happens now and then.


To clarify. I am not taking any shot at you

You are doing the work of a Hero

Sorry for the confusion.

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Growing up in the UK they used to have these collection boxes outside all the Supermarkets and post-offices


Seem to remember being freaked out by the big coin slot in the kids head

this seems like really good news?


Good for stoxxx

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God damn please don’t be rushed but get the fuck here and be legit and be effective. I want the death to stop, I want my mom to survive, I miss my friends terribly, and I really need to get laid.

This shit is finally starting to weigh on me.


How covid spreads - animated, pictorial and interesting


How long before Trump claims Pfizer could have announced it pre-election but delayed the news because of a conspiracy against him?


within the hour?


Oh probably less than 24 hours. It sounds like they could have emergency use in place by the end of November with a relatively small amount of doses by the end of the year and a lot more available by next year.

I am curious about a couple of things. How can you know long term efficacy and safety in a 2 month trial? Will MAGA morons actually be willing to take the vaccine? It was very smart from my perspective to release this after the election as it is hard to say it is politically motivated.

Exciting news. The prospect of resuming normal life is amazing.


even just getting the frontline workers in the medical industry the vaccine by the end of the year is yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge

deal with the idiots later


The only reason he hasn’t already is that he hasn’t thought of it yet.

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They don’t know about long-term efficacy.

It requires two doses three weeks apart.

It works by triggering production of antibodies AND T cells.

Will Trump’s FDA issue EUA now that he has lost?

It’s odd that if this news was released last Monday I would have been extremely skeptical. Now I am like sign me tf up.



"Drugmaker Pfizer said Monday an early look at data from its coronavirus vaccine shows it is more than 90% effective – a much better than expected efficacy if the trend continues.

The so-called interim analysis looked at the first 94 confirmed cases of Covid-19 among the more than 43,000 volunteers who got either two doses of the vaccine or a placebo. It found that fewer than 10% of infections were in participants who had been given the vaccine. More than 90% of the cases were in people who had been given a placebo."

Uhh am I reading that right? They are basing “90% efficacy” on a sample size of 94 pozzed people? 10 pozzed who were vaccinated and 84 pozzed who were placeboed? Out of 43,000 participants? Unless I am missing something that seems really inconclusive and not at all like 90% efficacy.

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