COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m serene as a monk.

If the election were held today, I’d go home after work and watch TNF because I’ve got Mixon in the big money league.

You are either lying or are truly ignorant of the world around you.

I am very much enjoying reading this in an Irish accent in my head.


What the hell does that have to do with allowing fall sports?

Also, you don’t just get to say that I’m arguing for schools to be closed because I can afford a tutor for my non-existent kids while IN THE SAME POST saying “yeah I know you wanted parents to be paid to stay at home with their kids”. I agree it would be pretty callous if I wanted parents to be back at work and their kids to be left home alone to deal with distance learning.

As things stand it seems like there are lots of options besides just sending kids back to school en masse. Limit it to only kids whose parents both work during the day. Set up off campus distance learning pods for kids whose parents both work, even if it’s paying a stay at home mom to take in 5 students every day. Do half days for the in person kids so kids don’t need to congregate and eat lunch without masks. Sports are obviously out of the question. After school activities are out of the question.

But like you pointed out, back to school was never treated by parents or administrators as a necessary evil. The attitude was never “ok if we absolutely HAVE to have kids in school, how can we change things to make them as safe as possible”. Parents wanted their kids out of the house and playing sports because they’re selfish morons, and that’s what happened.

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Who is robbing her of this?

Holy shit Czech Republic is spiking massively. 1,710 cases by 6:30 pm today. Positive test rate been over 10% the last few days. Definitely a favorite to break 3,000 cases today.

Somehow, my school remains open. Three students and one teacher have tested positive for covid so far. Since all three got it outside of the school and have not entered since then, we dodged a few bullets there. Masks are finally mandatory in class.

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Oh, well no in that case I agree entirely.

School is one thing. Johnny’s basketball practice is another thing entirely. I couldn’t believe they’re moving forward with sports.

Covid goes to football games too.



From NY Times.

“Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who was set to appear with President Trump at a campaign rally in his home state of Wisconsin on Thursday night, said he would skip the trip and enter quarantine after being exposed to someone with the virus.”


Only 10? There’s no way only ten people might have been exposed.


Just when I thought this administration couldn’t shock me anymore.

Having to wear a mask and not being able to go to bars = worse than Jim Crow laws. Worse than poll taxes and voting literacy tests. Worse than the Japanese internment camps. Worse than the Native American boarding schools.


Hey, come on. This is clearly worse, as it effects BB in a way that none of those other things does.


Attorneys for Scott Atlas threatened to sue signatories of an open letter denouncing the doctor’s qualifications for his role on the White House’s coronavirus response team for defamation if they do not retract their statements.

Last week dozens of doctors and researchers affiliated with Stanford University signed onto a letter excoriating Atlas, who worked as a senior fellow at its Hoover Institution, saying they had a “moral and ethical responsibility” to denounce his claims about Covid-19 and his optimistic outlook on returning to normal life.

Of course, the letter was from the same hack who writes all of Trump’s BS letters.

The threat — penned by Marc Kasowitz of the firm Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP, who served as an outside counsel to President Donald Trump during the investigation into Russian election interference — gave the letter signers until the end of the day Friday to withdraw their claims or face legal action.

If the case were filed in CA it would be a layup from the letter signers to get attorneys’ fees under CA’s anti-SLAPP statue.*

*This is why Nunes has filed his BS cases in VA and not CA. Even still, he’s been raked over the coals in court.


Drunky McCovid only shared beers with 10 people!

Apparently there was also a “level 3” person a groundskeeper but they didn’t have player interaction so they are insignificant

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The Class F worker drone has been decontaminated and incinerated as per protocol, so nothing to worry about on that front.

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I once played NLHE with Sam Grizzle, and he created one of the funniest moments I’ve seen at the poker table. An extremely good pro did some GTO-approved shit that Sam didn’t understand (bluff-raising flop with nothing but a backdoor and an over or something like that), Sam calls, they turn a gutshot and fire again, he calls. They get there on the river and pile it in. He calls with a set or two pair or something, and upon seeing the cards he starts singing the most off-key version you’ve ever heard of…

Everyone got a laugh at it on level one, but there was also the level two humor for a few of us who knew the play was fine and Sam just didn’t understand it.