COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Cool, good talk.

Being a Trump supporter is a contributing health condition.


Where is the SDI raw data?

Fina-fucking-lly, masks are now mandatory in classrooms in the Czech Republic. Made absolutely no sense for them to be only on in hallways.

Guess going over 2,000 cases in a day will trigger some changes.

Looks like we made it through the week. Circumstances weren’t as bad as I thought. When the students on quarantine come back on the 25th, things will change big time because I bet at least one will have it and spread it through the school.


SDI alone surely matters, but there’s like many confounding variables at play.

GTFO with this reg nonsense. reghdfe is the new hotness.

From what I’ve seen, SDI is an important indicator but the threshold is difficult, if not impossible to predict. First you would need to adjust for population density, which is easy enough.

Then you’d have to adjust for acquired immunity’s impact on R0.

Then you’d have to adjust for mitigation compliance efforts, such as mask wearing. That’s pretty much impossible.

I’m also pretty sure you’d want to adjust for whether socializing was being done indoors or outdoors, and that’s an issue too.

Oh and circling back to population density, you also have to adjust for household size. Take the same apartment building with the same number of people and turn all the 2br apartments with 2 residents into two different apartments with studios and you’ve significantly impacted the area’s susceptibility to the virus.

So SDI is something worth analyzing, but as all these other variables are shifting, I am skeptical that it can be reliably predictive. Even if it’s predictive in the same area once or twice, mask usage going up or down can render the next prediction inaccurate.

An inaccurate shot was clearly taken at me over data I’ve compiled, but I’ll bite my tongue and keep it constructive, positive and focused on the merit of using SDI and it’s strengths/weaknesses and leave it at that.

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The issue is that SDI, as far as I know, doesn’t account for mask usage. Measuring mask usage in any scientific way is quite a challenge, and it can vary over time.

Yeah if you’re trying to see what impact closing bars or restaurants has, for example, it should be useful. But the impact that has on SDI in Philadelphia may not be the same as the impact that has on SDI in rural Oklahoma.

Over 40 percent of parents have already opted out of in-person classes, and that number is likely to grow, reflecting families’ deep frustration about the city’s reopening effort and skepticism about schools’ readiness.


@nunnehi @marty

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On Wisconsin

san diego’s idiotic local news channel is running anti regulation diner safari pieces lol wtf


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lol KUSI. It’s like if Breitbart had an actual TV station.


My daughter said last night that her high school is going to run the full sports program this year, including shit like basketball and football. I’m pretty sure she’s mistaken, but we aren’t part of the sports crazy crowd, so I don’t know how aggressive those parents are being with the administrators.

I live in a Democrat district and am 100% certain that everyone involved in the administration of the school district drink the same Kool-aid you guys do on a regular basis.

All of the surveys I saw leading up to the school year were heavily in favor of shipping everyone back to school full time. They compromised with a hybrid approach to start, but it’s designed as temporary.

You can have all the best intentions, but at the end of the day the government serves the people, and the people can’t put their lives on permanent hold to cosplay teaching assistants while also trying to make a living. I do feel a little bad for her that she’s being robbed of the traditional high school experience, even as socially fucked up as it could potentially be. It’s part of becoming an adult.

Is that the kool-aid without disinfectants?




What’s your opinion on the president of the government telling lies about a pandemic, during a pandemic? Is that serving the people or harming the people?

Is it better to drink the koolied spewed by Donald “Jim Jones” Trump or the koolaid that’s prepared by epidemiologists?


You’re coming at it from the perspective of a privileged white male lawyer who can afford to pay someone to watch or tutor your kids.

I’m well aware that the sentiment around here from the start was to just throw money at it from day one, but that wasn’t the approach that was taken. In the meantime, people still have to eat.

He’s a clown, and not nearly as entertaining as he thinks he is. My stance on that has been consistent since early 2016.

I am not as well informed as the average UPer on the COVID timeline, so I don’t have a useful opinion on what he did or didn’t lie about.

Good to know that the people who you casually accuse of drinking koolaid are also in your estimation more well informed than you are. Seems your koolaid barb may have just been a flailing attempt at making yourself feel better than others. 2020 can be stressful, I’m confident you are capable of finding better ways to release pent up frustration.

I agree with you that Trump is a clown. Curious, will you be voting for a clown this November?