COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

There’s going to be a cap somewhere on daily cases due to testing. Like we maybe able to get to 1.6 million tests per day by year end but probably not with feet dragging, document shredding lame ducks. And even if we are able to, we’re going to have just massive amounts of undetected infection in most regions.

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This has to be in part due to media coverage. The election has been sucking all the air out of the American airwaves for the past two months while covid has been sucking the air out of Americans lungs much more stealthily than in the spring. Add in a healthy dose of quarantine fatigue and a president blasting anti-science propaganda, and we get to 100K+ cases/day while the majority of people go about their days like it’s 2019.

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Sorry to hear that Dan, hopefully it’s not COVID and it’s just a scare. Best wishes.


As a SPARTAN one of my favorite nominees

(I actually generally like the guy but he does rep the enemy)


I guess I have to stock up on food again… putting a grocery list together for this is incredibly overwhelming.

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Yeah I’ve been putting it off and putting it off, it’s so depressing.

you’re right, he really really really needs an spo2 reading

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I still have all the canned stuff I bought in March so that’s a plus I guess


We already know shutdowns are not going to affect grocery stores and pharmacies and things like that. And if we mask up it’s safe to go shopping. Therefore, despite having stocked up way back in February, I’m not bothering this time.

So mom’s current plan for Thanksgiving is to hold more of a brunch type thing. That way it’s no real long meal thing. Only for family members in the county, and all adults need to be tested a week in advance. Going to have seats distanced.

Honestly this probably still isn’t well advised but gotta be in top 5 percentile of Thanksgiving plans. Mom is taking this seriously, but at a certain point, Mom just had to do something for Thanksgiving just for mental health.

I don’t know where I’m going with this except for, fuck Thanksgiving is going to be a supermassive spreader event.


The prime minister is considering a month-long lockdown across England in the hope that measures could be eased before Christmas, the BBC understands.

A new “stay at home” order could be announced on Monday, with schools, colleges and universities exempt.

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My plan was to have my parents and I quarantine two weeks and do our thing, or quarantine 7 days, test, get results, stay quarantined.

Then Sanjay Gupta suggested test, quarantine 2 weeks, test again, still use masks and stay outdoors/distance. That scared me cause I thought two weeks in and of itself was enough. Test, 2 weeks, test, still masks/outdoors/distance seems like more than is needed… But he’s an expert.


Thanks. Any other specific thoughts?

He doesn’t want to go to the hospital/Dr.
he doesn’t want to be tested.
He has an 89 year old live in partner caring for him
He is stubborn as a mule. When his bronchial tubes collapsed 40 years ago he refused the ambulance ride the first time when his breathing recovered. Then it happened again half hour later. The small town dispatcher lady came over to the house personally the second time and ordered him to go. then he refused to stay at the hospital. Then they collapsed again with only 14 year old me with him. He quit smoking that day.

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Not much to do if he would rather die than go inside a hospital. Not an insane decision at his age either.

No magic here, he needs to be evaluated by a doc if he’s willing. He can always go to an ER, refuse to be admitted, and then they should give him the best possible plan for home treatment.

This stuff is always tough. Sorry if this is a little rambly I’m on the end of a night shift

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The only safe alternative

Just don’t have thanksgiving this year.

Unfortunately, this.

If you care enough to set up elaborate testing and quarantine procedures, you already know the correct answer.

Every man woman and child in America sadly has to come up with their own approach by mentally performing an impossible risk calculation and applying it to an impossible to know risk tolerance.

If your mom would rather die than not have Thanksgiving, go for it. But just try to be sure she really means it and you are able to live yourself with the consequences should the worst happen.

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Apparently he called my brother this morning and is feeling better. He wouldn’t come to the phone yesterday.

I will check in with him. during the MSU- UM game later.

Yea, RE: stocking up for lockdowns I think we’re much better off this time. Supply chains have adjusted to account for more at-home consumption of food and goods. Grocery stores have already put pandemic procedures in place. I’m not as concerned about this time as I was back in March or so.

I should really work on having more compassion but I’m assuming you really have to be YOLOing it up to get COVID and the flu at the same time.