COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Strange things here too. On the one hand we’re doubling transmission every 9 days, on the other average R is (supposidly) 1.2 - 1.4? (No journal yet Trolly)

Probably, we’re just infested right now

Natural R of Covid is reported as 3 (OFB)

I more meant the unevenness than the volume lol.

Two out of the four of my next door neighbors had it. One of my daughter’s friend’s parents both had it, but her friend never got it.

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Those super-fast mutations have to make creating a vaccine even harder.

Anyway, the number of new covid cases in the CR dropped by 2,500 compared to what it was on Tuesday. Unfortunately that decrease was the result of there being 10,000 fewer tests processed. That means that Wednesday set a new record in percentage of positive tests (34.4%).

Today’s numbers were pretty much the same. Curious about the decrease in testing. Wonder if they’re pulling the Trump move of there being fewer cases if you conduct fewer tests.

Over 91k wafflecrushing. 100k in the bag for tomorrow. Working hard thank you.


I’m surprised that teams haven’t hired covid positive girls to hang around with opposing teams in order to get them infected. You’d think at least one team would come up with something that fucked up to weaken an opponent.


More importantly - will this screw Lindsey Graham somehow?

Boston College is 4-2 this year. Seems like they nut up and beat a ranked team every once in a while.

Maybe they have…

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Trevor Lawrence poz and the plan is for the rest of the team to go ahead and play.

Yeah that makes sense.

I think Trevor is another nominee for you, Dan, given how hard he campaigned to play the season.

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Well if it makes you feel any better (and it sure makes me feel better) this isn’t true, these people are heavily sedated


That doesn’t make me feel better

They are dying because people won’t wear masks, won’t stop mass gatherings, and won’t stop eating/drinking in public.

Them being sedated while dying due to peoples’ selfishness doesn’t make me feel better. And their loved ones aren’t sedated but rather are at home unable to go say goodbye in person.


Just when the weight of quarantine fatigue is becoming unbearable and and we really need some escapist fantasy - Michael Bay to the rescue!


Well overlaying hospitalizations and deaths might help.

I just came across the trailer on Twitter. It bothers me that this pandemic has raged out of control long enough for a futuristic movie to be based on it down the road.


At my work my boss just said one of the office guys is sick, and the guy’s wife is sick, and his DOG is sick. Anyway, he’s still at the office. My boss said he’s trying to get him to go home. Like dude you’re the boss, make him go home.

I have been working from home for months and they all are unhappy with me but none of them wear masks so fuck them.


The committee approves. CFB needs a nominee for all this insanity.