COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Ok I see what you meant. Perhaps she regards an earlier death as a risk. I mean, from experiences of people close to me some people manage to struggle on for a long time after being given the dreaded news that it’s time for palliative care.

US is testing at or above most EU countries on a per capita rate…

Not that I don’t beleive you but can u site your source on that?

Gonna be interesting what will be decided in Germany today. The federal government wants another major lockdown. The federal states dont want to go that far and want a vote by parliament if there is another lockdown. A growing number of doctors and scientists dont think a major lockdown is the best course of action. Problem is there is also a growing number of people out there who want to make a name for themselves and u usually cant do it if you just agree with the majority. People still support measures and think even stricter measures should be taken. But thats also easy to say if your livelyhood isnt impacted.

My fear is if the situation worsens and maybe the death toll jumps up that people start pointing towards China and say if people cant control themselves or behave during that times we need stricter control measures. The starting point of a sci-fi dystopia where we end up with cameras everywhere. We shouldnt forget that you still win elections by catering to the old people because their numbers are growing and they usually go voting. One of the hardliners Karl Lauterbach already called for controls on apartment doors if people keep having parties. He said the the right of “invulnerability of your home” cant be the reason for not having controls.

What I find even more disturbing is the “everyone for themselves” mentality right now. You see the countries around us having major problems and you think since you are still doing fine u should keep everything open. Maybe helping would be solution but that could occupy hospital beds we still use as an argument to keep going like nothing happens. I mean Germany isnt depended on exports so if all other countries go to shit we still get to sell our stuff… oh wait.

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Maybe mouth breathers are the super spreaders and it explains why it spread so much during the mouth breather white house get together.

Breath through your nose, people.


Moral of the story

Economists don’t know shit about public health. They can and should be ignored to the point of just believing that they are wrong and to do the opposite of what they recommend.


Every discussion about health care in America sounds like this to me

This is already happening. Look down at the thing that is statistically in your hands right now. Thats a camera. Its always on.

You’re still way behind the trailblazers, the UK, who’ve been filming people on their way to work an average of 40 times per person per day for decades, another bonus of having a Murdoch-owned popular press instilling fear of crime into the population on a daily basis for the past 50 years.

That’s the only thing Orwell missed. That we would all line up to spend a hundred bucks a month to put Big Brother in our own pockets.


Or that people would pay (through viewing adverts) for the privilege of providing detailed status updates on what they were doing at any given time.


I mean all joking aside mouth breathing has to spread more than nose breathing just based on the trajectory of the exhalation.

It may be a negligible difference or it may be significant, I don’t think it’s been studied, but surely there’s a difference.

More holy hell. Several states near or above spring New York State 14 day positive sums. Precisely MO and MS with slightly negative 7 day slopes.

This is by far the worst and most widespread crest of the pandemic in the USA so far.

(note update is 10/26 not 10/20)

I find Emily Oster quite a bit more credible than this hit piece. Having primary schools closed and colleges open is a catastrophe.


Yeah we’ve known and said this for months. I mean it’ll be proven or generally accepted as a valid method to control this

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Are the ND/SD numbers a result of the multiple generations of Covid being spread since Sturgis? Or just that they’re states that have refused to do anything to mitigate?

Likely a combination of both I suppose.


The more I think about this, the angrier I get. It’s an interesting study of how easy it is to use uncertainty to manipulate an analysis. If you pretend that closing schools is the default and reopening them is a change, then you can look at any amount of data, find the weak spots, and say that you can be sure, so let’s do the safe thing and keep schools closed.

But it’s equally valid (maybe more valid) to view offering public education as the default and shutting down schools as the policy shift. And public schooling is an incredibly important public service, so shutting it down has an immense and known cost. The trade off is to incur a huge, known cost because we can’t be sure that there aren’t huge benefits too. Sounds less wise when you put it like that.

The truly bleak part is that the hit piece acknowledges, in passing, that everyone agrees that opening schools is better for children, but that it might have some negative (but unquantifiable) impact on adults. So why not harm children so that adults can continue to be wildly, wildly irresponsible in every other area of life and suffer a bit less for it.

And then the social justice angle is outright obscene. Another example of weaselly arguments that can be made to say anything. The people who suffer the most from school closures are low-income families who aren’t WFH. Everyone in my social circle is working from home and parenting in shifts, or else creating private homeschooling pods with real teachers. Good fucking luck doing that if you are a single parent working a retail job in person.


I asked Steven Millman the ND/SD question and he came back that it’s 99% Sturgis, for what it’s worth.

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This is tradeoff you’re writing about is vastly more honest than Oster’s nonsense about children magically not spreading the disease.