COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

What are you arguing for?


Sure, 50K cases yesterday, guess no harm in singing your covid out directly into the mouths of a large group of people

no, not wrong

Me, opening up #Moderna on Twitter moments ago:

Did i miss where we argued about Cruise’s covid rant? Damn

It may be satisfying to hear, but its terrible practice.

If you want to improve health and safety, everyone should be coming forward with mistakes and breaches, understanding the root cause, and working to address the risk of it happening again.

Some big boss who almost certainly isnt directly responsible for implimenting the safety procedures swooping in and threatening to fire people is going to make things worse, not better.

For the record, we basically had the “Gates is bad, actually” argument in the LC thread yesterday. Probably not worth rehashing here.

Every risk everyone takes makes it less safe. The worst part to me is that the weather is warm enough down there to do safe stuff that’s outdoors and distanced with small groups. But a bunch of people just had to go to bars?

I’ve gotten curbside coffee and breakfast burritos (I plate them and microwave them) several times, and I consider it safe and morally fine. The keys are:

  1. We’re both masked.

  2. They walk outside to my car, so it’s not near a window where a bunch of people pass by.

  3. I started doing it well after the CARES Act expired. It’s not like if people weren’t doing this, these workers would be home safe and taken care of. If that was the case I wouldn’t do it.

I think drive thru is slightly more risky, but at the end of the day when our nation fails to provide for people’s needs if they shut down, patronizing the business is not making them less safe it’s giving them needed business.

I’ve only done drive thrus a few times, and only while in the process of moving and lacking options.

10-15 people maskless in a room is a pozzfest. Enjoy your Qdoba.

Also some of us feel forced into work-related risk by the average American making sure this is as long and painful as possible.

I did one Zoom date. She talked about how safe she’s been and how seriously she takes it, then started talking about an indoor birthday party for her nephew with 15-20 people there. I was like nope, I’m not ready for this shit yet.

Dude the MRA crowd is apparently out here getting strange right and left - at least when they don’t turn it down because the girl says something bad about Trump. Just talk her into a real date, then immediately rip off that mask and shove your tongue down her throat. Works every time according to Red Pill Twitter.

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He talked a big game about pre-producing vaccines, but it turns out that was only if he could do it with other people’s money? These vaccines are selling for like $25/dose so $50/person.

You can protect people from COVID for $50/person and you’re worth $120 billion, how much do you spend?

Poll the forum, Gates donation comes out near the bottom. I probably come out near the bottom at $119 billion and I’m probably called a selfish murderous asshole by several people for keeping a billion for myself.

Now I guess the cost to make the next dose beyond what they produced could be higher because you have to rapidly scale, but you also could have cut deals where you get some of the money back once it’s sold.

Regardless, Gates took all that free publicity and put up less than 2% of his net worth, then didn’t follow through because he couldn’t raise the money? And not a peep about it?

Sorry, I think that’s pretty scummy of him.

I thought the deal was that two techs were sitting too close together and leaning in at a computer screen, and they had already been told to keep their distance. And this was the last straw. Seems pretty basic and worthy of a rant if it was a repeated issue

If this is an issue. You sit down and do a rootcause analysis, and figure out how to prevent it across the board. Maybe that results in a disciplinary, even a termination, but shouting is counterproductive.

Fwiw. I work in the energy industry. My company runs power stations. We are best practice on health and safety. As such, this isnt really an opinion, its a restating of that best practice.

We’ll just have to disagree that the objective best practice regarding two people who can’t keep their heads apart during a pandemic after being told multiple times is to sit them down and talk to them for the 5th time. I wish that more people were yelling at dumbfucks during this pandemic. Letting people get away with terrible behavior for the 5th time in a row with no consequence is what has led to 300k+ dead.


Agreed. Unfortunately they are being forced into risks like many others because we elected an incompetent buffoon, and lacked one iota of collective willpower to do enough to slow this down.

We should have been completely locked down for 2-3 months at the beginning, then kept it under control. We’d be doing great now. Instead, we’re cranking out a 9/11 a day and then some with no end in sight.

Instead we’ve got bars and restaurants and nonsense galore.

I’m sure this is happening everywhere, but locally driving around I’ve noticed some restaurants have completely closed in their porches and are calling it outside dining to basically legally defy the state order closing indoor dining.

Didn’t seem any riskier than thousands of other in person interactions I’ve had at work over the last nine months. Fuck off.

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Not saying you’re doing this but I feel like the “forced into risks” framing should be reserved for people who have to work during this pandemic. The people being risky on this forum weren’t forced into jack shit. Has the last 9 months been shitty for me? Hell yeah it has. But compare it to what others are doing, and other human suffering around the planet, it’s fucking easy. No problem. Sergei in American Jail easy. So I have no sympathy


Would you still be in favor of a full lockdown if congress was unable to give people money to not work?

A lot of folks don’t have the financial privilege to hide in a bunker for months with no income.

When one pops in and out for takeout, there are people with no-nose masks and people dining completely without masks. Most people here are doing this, this is the same thing except you’re forced to be in at work. Doesn’t seem like something to get worked up about.

Then your mask compliance sucks and you should all wear one.

I hope your burrito gives you the shits. Enjoy your Qdoba!

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That’s who I was talking about. I mean personally I feel forced into working because of the duration of this and the lack of extended stimulus/CARES. I’m lucky it only has to be a little bit, though.

But yeah nobody is being forced to go drinking in bars or vacationing in Costa Rica.

The fuck is wrong with you? You have no idea what you’re talking about. Everyone at our work wears a mask. Why you feel the need to act so aggressively when you have no idea what the circumstances are is beyond me.