COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Take a test. When negative, cmon home imo. But I’m just a moron on the Internet so I guess you could ask her doctor or something too.


This sounds right to me.

Seems bad.


Thankfully WA state is a relatively small contributor to the national numbers, but our DOH is struggling to keep up with the test results. They have a backlog of tests resulting in “a reporting delay of 1-2 days.” Also they are telling some big labs to not report negative results for a while until DOH can get their systems beefed up. So our numbers will be wonky for a while.

What is that Risk?

Seems like an insane policy if you are me. But me is also just a moron on the internet.

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why are you going into grocery stores?

Because the risk is tolerable.

Those planes are FUCKING HUGE


Just do curbside pickup, imo. At this point, you can buy 95% of the stuff inside online with no risk.

Here is some more. The hard thing is getting true apples to apples and determining what’s leading and what’s trailing (your point)

As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, the less likely scenario is that schools don’t magically significantly contribute to spread.

I assume that there will be a lot of co-variance in that states/localities that follow guidelines poorly will follow them poorly in face to face schooling.

Having school when there is high community incidence is insane. The majority of US states have a known infected population of over 0.5% which means the real number is on the order of 2%. Very roughly a school of 500 people has 10 contagions running around. And it’s 4-5x worse in many states.

How good is the mask wearing? How long is the exposure (dose*time). These aren’t 15 minute trips to the grocery store. These are hours in set circulation patterns. As we’ve seen these are crowded hallways and locker rooms for sports teams.

Get community incidence low which includes no in person instruction, no activities which require indoor groupings. No fucking parents hosting events. Hey let’s have food cause that’s consistent with wearing masks!

Schools should be very high on the list to open. But when it’s bad there is no way in hell that leaving them open does not contribute to spread. Is it only 50% bad as indoor dining? I don’t know and it doesn’t ducking matter. The system can’t handle it in lolAmerica.

At some point in doesn’t matter if it’s -20 or -40 outside. You are getting frostbite either way. Right now schools being open is crazy. Indoor dining is crazy. Church is crazy. But the economy! The economy is going to ducking crash when 40,000 a week are dying.

I call absolute bullshit on the opposing view. The math will get there as more data comes in with careful analysis. I’ll let some ego show— I’m known in my field for marrying math and intuition. This math is all closely related to my life’s work and my gut has yet to be wrong when it so strongly points me in one direction. Sometimes it takes time getting the data and calcs right to provide proof!but what we know now is actionable.

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I’m suspect of all numbers starting Friday and going for about 10 days. We’ve seen testing and reporting lags around every holiday and face it- thanksgiving goes from the Friday before to Sunday/Monday after.

Now is the time to take a big gulp and be patient with the data. Accept that it’s likely going to be funky for a few days.


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I have several reasons why I don’t do curbside pickup.

  1. I’m not wealthy and won’t pay extra for someone else to do my shopping.
  2. I have a moral objection to the gig economy and try to avoid utilizing it. I don’t do Uber, I don’t do DoorDash, I don’t do Instacart. Now, you may say that if a grocery store doing it then it’s not a gig economy job, but it’s still trying to operate in that space.
  3. I buy mainly fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat and don’t trust other people to pick out those things for me.
  4. My shopping list is determined on the fly based on what works with what I see that is available in stores. I don’t shop based on recipes for what I am going to cook. I create recipes based on what I see in the store.

I’m already willing to play live poker in places where there is a mask mandate that is enforced. Shopping in a grocery store, especially with my tendency to go during off-hours when it’s almost empty, seems like a much smaller risk.


Rebekah Jones is 100% on the grift.

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Well that needs some justification.

I wish these ghouls would be held accountable for this shit.

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Yeah, that’s my impression.

In this “analysis”, if I can dignify it with that word, she uses CDC indicators of risk of spread, but in its explanatory document accompanying this, the CDC says this:

If, after applying the core indicators described in the table below, a school is at “medium,” “higher,” or “highest” risk of transmission, it does not mean that the school cannot re-open for in-person learning

What is the point in using CDC indicators if you’re going to ignore what the CDC says they mean?

Like I know you’re for closing schools and that’s fine, I’m not actually trying to have that argument, but it doesn’t mean you need to give the tick of approval to every piece of pseudoscientific bullshit which happens to come to the same conclusion.

Either she didn’t read the accompanying CDC document explaining what the indicators mean, or she did but she decided to ignore it and forge ahead with telling her readers that this means that schools can’t open according to the CDC’s own criteria. I’ll let you pick.

I hope that’s not Risk. Terrible strategy to mass armies on interior territories.

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