COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

There might have been cases in China in what, November, and you’re telling me they haven’t rounded up those folks and dosed them up again? Seems like we should have more info on immunity perhaps 9 months into this…

Maybe the standard covid graphic could be redone to make it brown so Americans can unite around hating it?


Jman, after your initial analysis of this pandemic, you are leading the league in ability to comfort us by being optimistic about something. Like if jman220 says something is probably okay, I feel pretty good. I’m up there in the pessimist rankings on UP vis a vis COVID, but that’s sort of like being Constantino Rocca after Saturday’s round of the 1997 Masters.

So what I’m saying is, you’re the Tiger Woods of COVID-19 pessimism, so I love it when you’re optimistic about something.


it’s ok. Bars started closing at 11pm and we are already showing a downswing in cases since that began :partying_face:

Is it really reasonable to be assuming that no antibodies post-infection means no immunity?

Don’t we maintain at least partial immunity to a number of diseases even after the antibodies are long gone?

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Same with Sandy Hook. The numbers weren’t catastrophic, but it was an entirely preventable death of a mass number of 5 year olds, and people threw up the shrug emoji and said “What’re you going to do?” When there were plenty of options of things TO do, both before and after the catastrophe.

As a country, we are selfish, stupid, and proud of it. We deserve all of it, unfortunately. I don’t believe in reckoning, but it sure feels like a reckoning.


Bugs Bunny has reached out to me with a statement, regarding the “and forever” aspect:

What’s up doc? I’m not going near Florida without a full hazmat suit. All the carrots in the world wouldn’t get me to saw Florida off without an N95 mask, gloves and goggles. That’s all, folks!


Or more likely, people with good jobs will get it quarterly at work and everybody else can fuck off. That’s how we seem to roll.


Definitely not. I’ve been posting about some of the discoveries people are seeing with T cells over the past few weeks and basically it’s all a lot more complicated than meets the eye.


MIS-C showing up in kids in S.C. now. That may be a deal breaker as far as schools opening back up? Is this byproduct of the Covid even being mentioned as far as schools opening back up?

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Midwestern Republicans sure did eat up all that rhetoric, though. They loved them some Patriot Act.


I dunno, if it left the Confederate Statues alone, I’m not so sure they’d care… If it went for the Confederate Statues, we’d be in a 6-month long Wuhan-style lockdown to eradicate it.

I think for the flu it’s more like a year or two. And I think the reason the vaccine changes each year is not really because the flu mutates, (which it does), but because different strains are more prevalent from year to year. As i understand things, the vaccine is a cocktail to prevent against the likely strains. I believe they observe waterfowl and maybe some other things to try to guess which strains are likely to emerge.

It will be more or less effective depending on 3 things: 1) which strains are actually predominant that year, 2) was the vaccine for that strain included in the vaccine cocktail that year, 3) If yes to 2, how effective is that vaccine for that particular strain against the specific virus of that strain.

I’m pretty sure the individual vaccines included in the cocktail do not change year-to-year based on mutations. The thing that changes every year is which vaccines are included in the cocktail.

If I’m way off I would appreciate somebody that knows better correcting my understanding.


Just look at that fucking guy. Imagine voting for him.


The fact that somebody that stupid and that much of an asshole can become the governor of a state is fascinating. Then I remember who got elected to be the potus.


What else were they supposed to do? Vote for a BLACK guy?


I think I’ve mentioned this before, but DeSantis is objectively not stupid. I don’t know what to do with this piece of information and it messes me up.

I think he is drawing live to be the smartest governor in the country at least based on IQ tests.

And then they go play Fortnite in the locker room in very close proximity to each other for 2 hours before and after the game. NO NEED TO RETHINK THAT ONE

I’ve been leaning pessimistic lately. I’d like to see some good indications of infection conferring immunity. If not I feel less hopeful about a vaccine and more like this is killing 2 or 3 million people a year in the world, every year with everyone taking sorta precautions.