COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

My point was just that with the apparatus in place under Bush and Obama, stopping the spread out of Hubei Province would have been possible. Like we had a system in place for this kind of stuff and Trump blew it up. The rest of the world was looking to us and we were off screwing around. Whether our odds of containing it were 10% or 90% I have no clue, but there was a chance - especially given the degree of lockdown China was willing to do.

It’s not really one though, this is not the first time we’ve heard this anecdotally. This one is more detailed, though. It’s also supported by the study on antibodies lasting a couple months.

Can I interest you in a trip to Disney?


It was already in Italy and probably Spain and the US before we even really knew anything. Zero chance under any President that it would have been contained to China.


This is a great idea. Plus it’s good for civil servants to avoid competing with swamp creatures for housing and other necessities.

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You’re assuming we wouldn’t have known about it sooner. That was a big part of the system.

I’ve gone on rants before about how this should be Dem policy strategically. Moving those jobs moves liberal voters. Move them to Sun Belt states, Iowa, Wisconsin, etc. Fuck, stick some huge bureaucracy in Montana. Trump won by about 100,000 votes. HHS has 80,000 people and it’s the second one I looked up. I bet their voter turnout is like 90% and I bet they skew firmly Dem.

Moving HHS to Montana makes Montana a swing state in presidential elections overnight. And what’s the GOP going to do? Come out against a massive economic stimulus to red states???

“Don’t you dare bring 100,000 people who need to eat, own homes, drink, be entertained, etc to Montana. HOW DARE YOU???”


The other day, here in Florida, I went to buy some masks. The lady who waited on me had her mask around her neck. I said “Y’know, the county to our south just mandated wearing masks in stores and stuff”. She responded “Did they? I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m not sick.” Anyway, I wound up buying 20 disposable surgeon’s masks. It was a medical supply store.


It’s been said here before, but if the government doesn’t want to do it, tech companies could do it themselves. Google could open some huge office in Idaho or something and build a huge city around it, flip the damn state overnight.


The tech companies are not on our side.



Holy hell. And if it’s gotten to the olds we are def drawing live for 5,000 daily deaths.

Very big difference if it’s a <10% outlier or >50% can get it again after 3 months. Still another good reason to not cocky around this thing. It’s getting to be like my college beater car. If we said we had $50 leftover at the end of the month then it would immediately need a $45-$55 repair (lol 80s).

This thing
Kids don’t get it- yeah they do
Kids it’s not serious- Kawasaki like disease
It’s mild in most- check out these host of long term effects
Just protect the old folks and OFB - LMRPO*

*laughing my receptor protein off


We might start doing two 9/11s a day. Will Americans care?

It’s amazing to me how scared farmers in Nebraska are of terrorists who would never in a million years target Nebraska, and yet this virus is no big deal.

There are literally millions of people in Texas right now who are terrified of ISIS, but think COVID-19 is the flu, as their local hospital overflows.


Sure, but from the article we have three documented cases of this out of 3M cases in the US, and this tells us nothing about the efficacy of vaccines, so it’s much too soon to throw in the towel. To be clear, herd immunity is of course still a completely unacceptable approach.


That article is scary.

I’ve been saying if we don’t get repeat cases by June then there is some amount of immunity and every month after that we don’t get repeat cases is how long immunity may last…it’s July now so 2-3 month immunity could be a possibility, which would not be good.

We need a vaccine that does better at antibodies than some people do from having it and we may have to take that vaccine 3-4 times a year.

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New York State is closely monitoring an uptick in COVID-19 cases in Rensselaer County, a number of which are being investigated as being linked to several individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 after traveling back to New York from Georgia. They are in isolation and the New York State Department of Health and Rensselaer County Health Department are conducting contact tracing.



It’s the first one I remember that says that the reinfection is worse the second time. I don’t remember that detail in the other cases.

Also we’ve yet to see someone die of a second infection, so at least there is that.

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I’m team <<<10% unless we see more and better info. Hopefully just outliers and not the beginning of finding out that at 6-12 months you have little natural immunity.

Have also seen that people behave recklessly after clearing it.