COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Then people were wrong. It will be a longer lag than NY/NJ

Oh, speaking of Las Vegas and Arizona, popular poker vlogger Brad Owen has returned to the felt in both Arizona and Vegas. He drove to Arizona to play, I think it was a couple weeks ago? Just saw it last night. I don’t know how much financial pressure he was under to resume playing, but holy shit what a risk to take.

Then, you have to have your mask on to play in Vegas, and he took it off the second he got away from the table and was walking out. All the facepalms in all the world for that dude. It makes me think that he just doesn’t think this is a big deal.

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We’re pissed. And it’s not just my friends and I and the local dems/progressive groups. Even my mostly-deplorable local FB groups were up in arms about CA leaving our county open and everyone coming here for 4th of July weekend because their counties were closed. Of course, they used it as another reason to petition to recall Gavin Newsom, but either way, most folks here are not happy that San Diego’s good work is being sacrificed.

As for the hospital situation, yeah, for now we have the beds, but give it two weeks until all those tourist germs come home to roost.

Yeah what are they going to do, kick the Pima country people off of ventilators?

At the end of May, when the stay-at-home orders relaxed, I felt that about July 1 would be when I could decide if it was safe for me or my child to participate in more in public activities. Waiting until July 1 provided two full 14-day incubation periods for COVID-19 to spread. Here we are at July 8, and I’m sad to say how exactly correct I was. Eight days ago (that’s right, 7/1/20) my hospital system started to have to admit more COVID patients. Today, we had 12 on ventilators and an entire unit of positive patients that did not need the vent yet. This is more than we saw before the stay-at-home, when things were just getting serious. JUST EIGHT DAYS. It is a small system, and that is pretty close to the max capacity of our ICU. Watch yourself and your family.

From my friend who’s a nurse in a hospital in KC.

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nope. And that’s fine. I’m just angry that AZ couldn’t handle their shit

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He did put up a vlog going over just how bad he ran last year. Meanwhile, Andrew Neeme seems completely disinterested in playing live. I need to do a deeper dive into poker vloggers to see what games are like across the country.

Yeah and this is the problem. Everybody who does a good job on this still foots the bill for the people making it worse. One way or another, we’re all in this together. Which is problematic for obvious reasons.


It’s neither here nor there and I haven’t watched more than a few of his vlogs, but I’m not so sure he ran bad. So I’m not surprised if his results weren’t great and he needs to be playing, and cannot do it online.

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Hey mikelovespantbeards, are you still chasing hairy 29yr olds when you’re old enough to be their Dad? When you gonna grow up and start a family yourself.

I’ve shoved you on ignore so I suggest you do the same

Chase? Not how it works son.
“ shoved” on ignore ? Is that IGNORING in ALL CAPS.?

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The Israeli cases per day graph is the most frightening thing I have looked at since the beginning. Truly depressing .

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If anyone is intereasted you can volunteer and sign up for the large vaccine trials online:

I signed up yesterday.


I remember when there was worry that everyone would flatten the curve too much for community vaccine trials to give meaningful results. Thanks to the generosity of the American people, this is no longer a problem.


The comments are just thousands of Canadians telling your death cult of a country to kindly go fuck itself.