COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I am really struggling to not make a 9/11 Covid social media post today. All the people “never forget” posting this AM are squarely in the group of people who have downplayed the virus from the start. It’s tough to not want to point out to them we are having 2 9/11s a week every week for the foreseeable future because of them.



Shit dude you’d be surprised how many ER nurses flat out refuse flu shots


Basically the only reason I am not doing it is I don’t feel like spending all day arguing with morons. You nailed the response I am anticipating.

Besides I already know how it will go from making a similar post on 9/11 a couple years ago asking when we were going to remember the 3,000 Puerto Ricans that died due to Donnie’s negligence in the hurricane aftermath.

This morning I’ve been thinking about the two months Donald Trump will still be President if he loses.

Absolutely anything is possible during this period of time!

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JFC my relatives in West Virginia have already posted this never forget shit. How bout supporting federal funding for NY and other states impacted by COVID instead?

Get the flu shot and go be with your son. I have to imagine your support will be one of the most impactful things that will help him get through his struggles.

And congrats on your 3rd grandkid, old man!


I’m pretty sure that USA#1 will find a way to coerce poor people into taking it to slow down the overall infection rate to a level where large corporations are comfortable to send their workers back to the office. You’re phrasing this as if the choice to get a vaccine will be made by 350 million individual deciders, but of course that choice will only be made available to the relatively well off. Minimum wage workers facing eviction will be told they have to take the Trump vaccine or they’re fired. People with urgent medical needs and tenuous access to health care will be told they have to take the Trump vaccine or they won’t be allowed access to their HC. People on unemployment will be told they have to get the vaccine or they won’t get more government support. Rich white ladies will decide what is best for themselves, after a consultation with their pilates instructor.

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I’m convinced the never forget bullshit is more about remembering that some brown people knocked down buildings than any sympathy or actual memorialization of the victims. It is their way of justifying the absolute atrocity their types have turned this country into in the aftermath.


Well, not anything. A competent handover to a successor government ain’t gonna happen.

Maybe Mitt still has binders full of women he can recommend to the Biden administration :thinking:

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I think covid-19 ended up hitting one of my classes.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, a handful of students in my school came into contact with somebody who had covid-19 outside of the school and are in quarantine while awaiting test results. Today, I found out that one of them was in a class I taught on Monday.

Although I did not have any close interaction with him, his classmates obviously did. Two other students have been missing from that class since Wednesday as well though their reason is not specified.

When socially distant from students, I do not wear my mask but do so if I plan to interact with students. It should be noted that masks are only required in common areas of the school, not in classrooms. Thankfully, I only have that class twice a week (45 mins per class) and haven’t had any signs of covid at all. Of course, I masked up and kept my distance for that class today social distanced or not.

What threw me was the fact only one student in that class wears a mask while in the classroom. It makes me wonder how much they know about what’s going on. If the guy does have a positive test and they’ve been interacting with him, that means they’ve been talking to each other mask-free in classes for the entire week while potentially having covid.

I’d be surprised if we make it through the next week without the school being at minimum temporarily shut down.

In other news, countries are becoming aware of what’s going on here. Denmark has banned tourists coming from the Czech Republic. I’m sure other countries will follow suit.

The reproductive rate for the country is 1.5 which is the highest it has been in over 2 months. It’s likely higher in Prague.


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Most of them hate the so-called coastal elites that got killed. Which is why they go on and on and on about police and firefighters - you never hear a peep about the people working inside the towers.


Florida is reopening bars on Monday because why not

“In a pandemic?” is the new catch-all excuse. It works any time the person demanding anything of you asks if you can do X.

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Find some resources online. I’ve never dealt with addiction before but know that there are good options for helping people struggling out there. Follow the advice they give. If you’re non-religious I know there are good secular step type programs out there.

Remember, alcoholism is a genetic disorder, not a weakness. Frustration may abound, but refer to the old 90s saying. Dont hate the player, hate the game.

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There is not near enough discussion of this! It will arguably be the most dangerous two months in global history.

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Your pony missed happy hour

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This is my second year teaching this kid. You can feel out who’s full of shit and who isn’t after you teach people long enough.

Anyway, I was planning to start going to a BJJ school this month but things have become shitty enough that I’m not sure it’s worth going. Then again, it’s way safer than the place I work at. If anything, the school should probably reject me rather than the other way around.

I work from home every time I have even the slightest symptom that could be COVID. Pretty sure it’s pissing my boss off, but I don’t really care. It’s the responsible thing to do and what is he going to say? Woke up with a very slight cough today, but I’m assuming it’s from being outside in the colder weather last night.