COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

This is fucking batshit.

Orlando as a city has probably the worst stats in the entire country.

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Yeah they’re way up there. Orange County is a mess, except for Disney World, which is apparently a magical COVID-free kingdom.


Disney World is opening? Fucking Disney World? Is this real life?


COVID-19 respects the Magic Kingdom and will not infect anyone there. It’s all good. Lick a lightpost, but sign a waiver first.

I signed my first COVID-19 waiver today, by the way. The apartment complex wouldn’t give people pool access without signing one. It’s a 24/7 pool, so I can use it late at night when nobody is there. Masked up and went over to sign it. Of course the guy at the desk who’s supposed to be in a mask was chin strapping like a boss, and the property manager who’s supposed to be in a mask was ear dangling like a champ.

Just life in the liberal enclave of Philadelphia, home of one of the horrific August covid outbreaks most likely.


Yea on Saturday. And they aren’t even testing employees.

Lady right at the start of the video … “please just let me get out of this alive”


So the NYT has the following numbers
Cases: 3.011.599
active infections: 1.943.857
healthy again: 936.476
Death: 131.266

So if I put the deaths in comparison to the overall cases its a death rate of 4,35%. But if we assume that we dont know the outcome of the active infections and I only add the healed and deaths and compare that then I get a death rate of 12,23%.
Problem is we dont know how many people survived without ever knowing they had it and how is that number compared to underreported deaths.

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COVID skepticism seems to correlate with being a dick the world over. The one person I’ve spoken to here (France) who gave it the full, “it’s no big deal, we should have just stayed open,” was the father of a kid my son went to daycare with. (We met up in a park a few weeks back so our children would maybe remember what another child is.) Today I found out he’s been cheating on his wife for months. Though I’d guess managing an affair is a real PitA during lockdown, maybe just annoyed about that.


Declare state of emergency in order to indefinitely delay elections

He can’t. The elections are up to the states.

Good point.

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Is it possible for some states to defer elections while others continue as scheduled?

I think there’s some law where if an election isn’t held, the Speaker of the House becomes president. That would be Trump’s friend Nancy Pelosi :sweat_smile:

I thought that’s de rigueur there? Or have times changed?

Scroll down to #2.

Basically states that postpone elections won’t be represented by Congress.


Thanks. That does seem fairly water tight.

Can’t catch me out that easily—how would I know?!

(He’s British, anyway.)

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