COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Trump’s new covid-19 adviser is an idiot.


Ended up being not true. Pretty sure he was referencing the osu study that showed 15% which is really high.

I am so ducking pissed off over this. Not that he got the number wrong. But what the duck is the difference between 15 and 35 percent as far as whether or not they should play?

1 in 3 or 1 in 7. 1 in 7 with long term heart damage is acceptable?

People are frequent idiots thinking they are scoring points with “gotcha”.

Literally if he got it right initially and just said 15% then everyone’s initial reaction would have been “holy shit we need to rethink this thing- that’s a HUGE risk” but because he had to walk back from 35% then 15% is ok.


Yeah right.

You new here in USA#1?

That was already published and brushed off because people are idiots

Myocarditis doesn’t indicate long term damage. Even in diagnosed cases most people just recover, and you want to be careful extrapolating the prognosis of diagnosed cases to this. Most cases of myocarditis are not diagnosed because healthy people don’t normally get heart MRIs.

I still wouldnt sign up for it. Isn’t it one of the causes of sudden death in athletes under strain?

Pardon my ignorance.

Source: arupar thread

Still waiting for most Americans to figure out that most Americans are old or sick or both.



Carolla has been a deplorable forever, its why his careee bombed when every other successful earlier Podcaster is now worth 8+ figures.


I forgot all about that guy. Interesting that his Man Show co-host Jimmy Kimmel is the complete opposite and infinitely more successful.

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Yeah but his Love Line co-host Dr Drew is a deplorable who also downplayed the virus.

I never watched The Man Show in full, but I did sometimes catch the last few minutes of it because it was on before MST3K or Reno 911 or whatever. I always kind of assumed the show was a self-parody of bros doing dumb, silly toxic masculinity bullshit (we didn’t have the terms “bros” or “toxic masculinity” back then, but we still understood these concepts). I wonder if maybe Jimmy Kimmel was playing it as self-satire but Adam Carolla was being serious.

As a side note, it’s interesting that Gen-X will be the last people to be understand the concept of knowing a little bit about a show only because it was on right before another show you wanted to watch. I never saw more than five minutes of an Entertainment Tonight episode, but I understood the gist of it just because it came right before the Wheel of Fortune / Jeopardy! gameshow power hour.


Gen-X? Uh, DVRs didn’t exist until years after the last Millenial was born, and streaming TV not until years after that. Not to mention that live sports continues to be a thing (albeit after a pause), and people will catch the end of whatever it was that was on before the sports even today.

Perhaps Millenials will be the last to experience this. But also I feel like you’re not doing it right if you’ve DVR’d a show and you wind up watching multiple minutes of the preceding show. Gen-Z will definitely not understand this phenomenon.

You get, what, the end of another game or the pregame chatter or some sports yambag show? That seems very different from getting a bit of King of the Hill before The Simpsons comes on.

This Millennial still has a cable subscription and finds DVRs weird and scary.

My point was that even the very youngest millenial was like 5 when DVRs first ever became a thing, which is old enough to at least remember a little, and adoption wasn’t universal and immediate, so most would have more time before they got it. But many of us were teenagers by that point and had ample memorable experience with life before DVR. Gen Z, sure, probably won’t have much.