COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Family members attempting to pull me back as I slowly make my way to the theater box office

“You don’t have to do this! We love you, don’t risk it!”

“I have to. I owe them. I took an oath!”

“One for the New Mutants”


I don’t like to talk about my work too much on here, but I work on a small college campus. Similar to you we are taking every reasonable precaution. Tested everyone when they came to campus, daily screenings, masks required, repeat testing available for any student that has a symptom come up or has exposure, quarantine rooms available in housing for any positive test or exposure. We have had a small number of positive cases, 100% asymptomatic at this point.

This thing is incredibly difficult given that every positive we’ve had so far is someone that would have never known they were even sick if they hadn’t been tested. Which also raises the question of how we ever get a handle on who has actually had COVID without universal antibody testing. But we are doing everything we can because our student body as a whole begged to come back to campus for in person classes this Fall. From a mental health perspective this has already been a big positive for them, making sure we keep them physically healthy is obviously going to be the challenge.

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Pretty much you hit the nail on the head. That is what is so insidious about Covid19. Do temp checks help? Probably some but a lot less than is thought. Same with wiping down everything.

But the same covidiot said that don’t believe in testing also don’t believe in masks.

Good luck. Everyone including yourself should be considered armed and contagious.

With a reasonably small and insular campus where virtually all students live on campus, this sounds pretty plausible. Basically, you’re making an NBA-style bubble, and hopefully not right in the middle of one of the country’s hottest hot spots. But yeah, you need regular testing even for the unaffected inside the bubble, you probably need pretty harsh penalties for anyone leaving it, and you need universal mask usage to minimize the impact of any leaks.

For a massive urban campus that has a large number of off campus and commuter students, however, no chance it works.

That’s literally the analogy one of our higher ups used. We need to make our campus be the NBA bubble. I have no idea how you would do this on the campus of one of the huge state schools.

Yeah, like, even Stanford decided it couldn’t pull it off, and its campus is way more insular than like a UCLA or the like. Even if you think you have very high levels of buy-in, like 99% of the students are compliant 99% of the time, the absolute sizes of the lapses are really important, as it’s a lot easier to catch, quarantine, test, and trace a dozen students who sneak off, but it’s a lot harder with 100, even if that’s still 1%.

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Well if this isn’t a sign of the world we live in… I ordered a new banneton for making bread and it came prepacked with a face mask!


Yeah I stopped eating inside restaurants, moron

Ok, that’s fair. My bad.

Calm down.

UT Austin has 50k students right in the middle of the city, 80% of them in off-campus housing. They’re still planning for some sort of hybrid model with at least 25% in-person classes. I predict great success!

I don’t see how anything could go wrong here.

So 506 cases out of 8,432 tests. Guess massive testing is the 8th most tests processed in a day.:expressionless:

Also looking at a record number of cases on a weekend today.

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It was supposed to open last November. Half of the delay has been prior and unrelated to the plague.

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I just need to outfit him with his bagpipe flamethrower and he’ll be ready to go.


Great business strategy.
He calls up last week’s visits:

“I know you said you didn’t want to buy funeral services right now, but it turns out I was covid-positive when I came to your house, so you may want that policy ASAP”

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T - 2 weeks until “Welcome NH” on the chart

It can’t be safe but at least your area doesn’t have school open so that reduces odds that the others are infected.

Still, worse than eating in a restaurant, but it’s a better reason to be risky than free tea refills.


Which means instead of it releasing digitally this month so I can finally watch it, it’ll now be in theaters and not be on digital until end of the year.

All so they can open for a few weeks before closing back again (who am I kidding…deaths are normalized; once they open they are staying open for covid parties).

Edit: my pony was digitally delayed