Unstuck remains uninfected.
My girlfriend is getting forced to teach second grade face to face classes in Polk County Florida. Not sure wtf to do, really. Pretty freaked out. I want her to quit but she doesn’t seem to want to.
m_hood a favorite to be first UPer infected, unfortunately
Had to save the pic of the dude with the Trump tattoo. He will forever be my go-to poster child for an “IDIOT”
The longer we go, the more high profile people will get this virus, and more of them will be long-haulers. Hopefully they use their virtual voices (not their real voices because they can’t breathe) to raise awareness.
Meh. I had to fly a couple of weeks ago. It was far from my worst airport experience. 5 people were in coach with me and my wife.
Watch out, I’ve had a minor cough since Thursday. Mostly just a throat tickle, but still.
Mom is pretty sure she caught it and gave it to the cat, which died. I’m not convinced of any of this.
Is it time to discuss goggles/glasses? I have been thinking about them since they were last discussed ITT. I am down for some Tom Cruise MI: Ghost Protocol style goggles. Inexpensive and stylish.
Good shit. I got a rapid test on Thursday because I’ve had a cough for 2+ weeks. No COVID for me… and my chest x-ray was normal.
I bought one of these for $13.50 a few months ago but I haven’t worn it yet. I should just have a normal pair of glasses instead of one that makes me look like robocob goes snowboarding and I might actually wear it.
“On Sunday, Pinard said he visited a local bar but left after people there were participating in a “sneeze contest.”
“It was to see who can sneeze the furthest out,” he said. “People were laughing and applauding. I said what the heck, they think it’s fake,” Pinard said, referring to COVID-19.”
Reminds me of this:
Only it’s way worse because the virus is way more widespread now than in the second week of March and also the text is talking about first graders and not people old enough to go to a bar.
I’m thinking about getting something like this to go vote in.
Play astronomically stupid games, win death.
Wait y’all serious about the goggles? What are you using them for? Unless you’re sticking your face 6 inches from someones face I don’t see the point
The eye is probably an entry point for the virus, although not the main route of infection. It’s not crazy to consider eye protection.
Eyes are a perfectly plausible means of viral entry. However, given the proven efficacy of masks alone, and the disproven efficacy of face shields, goggles, while better than face shields, would seem to be at most a small effect if you can just get everyone to wear masks in any indoor settings and any setting when you have non-trivial proximity with other people. I would be curious if there are measurable differences in the rates at which our doctors and nurses got infected between groups that had, say, N95s and face shields vs. N95s and goggles, but I’m not sure those sorts of data exist. In the interim, far be it from me to criticize someone going above and beyond in their personal protection in a fashion that doesn’t harm anyone else. We’re still wiping down our groceries and all other goods that come into the house, and that’s probably not important.
Went ahead and ordered a pair. Been going without or sometimes just sunglasses but given what we know about transmission better coverage makes sense.