COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I typed up an email for Mrs. Tilted to send to the principal. She was scared, but if no one ever speaks up about anything than we just continue barreling towards this void of suffering.


I’m reaching out to both relieve personal anxieties and express concern for the safety of myself and my students. Assuming we maintain current class sizes of 29 students, I do not see how it is possible to practice social distancing, ensure mask usage, and in turn reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the classroom based on the protocols being discussed. Studies have shown that indoor spaces have the highest transmission rate of the disease. It is physically impossible for me to keep my children 3 feet apart; let alone the CDC recommended 6 feet. I was not expecting that this traditional format we are returning to would put me in such a high risk environment with so many children. I understand that the school has a responsibility to provide education to children, but they also have a responsibility to keep them and the staff safe. I hope I am not coming across as entitled or ungrateful, but I just feel like I need to express my thoughts and concerns


Mrs. Tilted“


Just a remider that French schools opened ~ 55 days ago (all ‘kids’ under the age of 15yrs) and hoardes of teachers haven’t died and neither have the kids parents (it’s magic)

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Just a reminder: America isn’t France. We have fucked this up beyond repair.


I can’t imagine it’s changed that much! Food is still pretty lousy, but I just make all my own. It’s rainy season now which cools it down. Although now if you wanted you and your buddies could rent a sick rental property for the same price as staying in a hostel…

Where is she and what grade(s) are we talking about?

Cool, people / kids must be different a couple of thousand miles away (hint: kids aren’t the problem)

We’re not banning kids parties Euroside (and our cases are ~5% of yours)

Gyms…Sing alongs at Church, BBQ, packed Restaurants, Rally’s, Fireworks Displays etc. - yeah, shut

Indiana. 1st grade.

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Lol Tulsa.

Thanks, Trump!

I am really intrigued by some of the proposals to split schools in half and have kids go 2 days a week (with Wed being a cleaning day), and then do home learning. Having class sizes cut in half but shorter days could have benefits outside of just slowing COVID.

My kids are getting very stir crazy being at home and it’s been hard trying to keep our sanity while keeping them safe. School has always been a good mood equalizer for my kids. They sleep better and are less hyperactive. Right now where I’m at in Michigan it looks like our district will be allowed to have in-person classes but with heavy restrictions, and it’s up to our district to decide if and how they are going to do it.


French schools opened progressively over about a month with social distancing, reduced classes and with ~a third of the age groups not included even by the end of that time. Then, 2.5 weeks ago everyone could go (apart from 14-16 iirc) but social distancing etc. continued for older kids. They also already started shutting again for summer holidays last week.


Except France had an astonishing 176 new cases yesterday! That seems a little different than the 50k USA#1 is averaging.


I also don’t know France class sizes but I would make a larger wager it’s less than 29.

Is your post

Pro opening school

Pro keep schools closed because

Because reading your post you just come across as insufferable


Woah, 176 cases ;)

In the UK we are: -
Staggering starting times between years (grades)
Lunchtimes will be sat by year (grade) rather than altogether
Kids form mini-bubbles so not all grade 4’s are sat with all grade 4’s (if that makes sense… splitting the kids even by year)

But, like I said, if you look to advanced nations who had this 3 months before USA#1 and have ‘flattended the curve’ and are sending kids back / sent kids back to school months ago, it’s not the boogeyman some might think it is.

based on what I just read I’m not sure this lady didn’t simply just want this girl the hell out of her life and that was the easiest way to get away with it.

yes, pro opening school

Also, your lack of content is unsufferable

Look at graphs for U.K. and USA#1 and rethink this.

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The UK had 800 cases from 200,000 tests yesterday

1 state in the US can just about manage 30,000 tests and find 10k positives

How many times do I have to say this. USA is not an advanced nation in this matter. Our shutdown is now pointless because we are OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I’m glad other nations have their cases down low enough to be manageable and have solid plans of opening schools. We don’t. We are just getting it all in knowing we are a 5/95% dog and hoping for that one outer.


Counter point: we get all the nice things we want. Nice things are the birthright of white conservatives, and you and I don’t get to take them away. We get to have bars and restaurants. We get to have schools open with normal procedures. Soon, we get to have sports.

Sure, they cost, but it’s a price we’re content to pay as a country. Now who do I make this check for 500,000 lives out to? Is that G. Reaping Inc.?