COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Schools opening in July?

Not sure if you’ve ever worked for a big corporation, but they do a TON of stuff that makes no sense.


surgical residents are doctors are surgeons so i’m confused.

Also surgical residents are probably the most overworked people on earth. They’re working 80-100 hour weeks 48 weeks per year for about 60-70k per year.

As long as we’re piling on with stories that’ll hopefully be excised to another thread…

In my sophomore year in college I took an interest in (Steven Levy style) hacking. Good news: I wrote a some system software that the acknowledged world academic expert in that niche characterized as “impossible”. Bad news: I flunked out because I stopped going to classes.

My parents weren’t too happy about this turn of events, which was quite relevant as they were paying my bills. They gave me an ultimatum: I need to go look for a (real) job. NBD I figured, as I was then a long haired body surfer who only wore shorts and sandals… and who just flunked out of college. I figured I could “look” for a job indefinitely… without the heartbreak of actually “finding” one.

So… to go through these motions of “looking” I answered an ad posted on a bulletin board at college. To my surprise, they invited me in for an interview. The interview didn’t go as I planned. I knew I was in trouble right away when the person interviewing me, one of the owners, came in wearing shorts & sandals too. Second problem was they turned out to be a niche systems programming house. Third problem was they knew this academic expert. Fourth problem is they wanted to see this code I wrote that that was allegedly “impossible”.

When I brought that in, they hired me on the spot. It was a small company, I was the 10th employee, and everyone else had a degree, with most having a masters or doctorate. The first task they gave me was writing some “screens” for some lousy code someone else hacked up. I just rewrote the whole thing. That was the last “screens” they had me write. After that I was in charge of design for the projects I worked on.

About a year later, they hired that academic expert too. Now… it’s not like I was better hacker than him… but when the company moved to a new location, I got a window office because of my company seniority, while he did not. After two years I quit to return to college. I’ve never had a (real) computer job since.


Asked someone to not stand so close to me inside at the grocery store while they wore their mask around their chin (we have a mask mandate). Wasn’t a dick about it, I literally tried avoiding them and he got offended from me avoiding him. This led to him yelling at me for ‘covid shaming him’ and calling me ‘antifa’, then running to the security guard like we were in elementary school and getting kicked out because lol.

I’ve had 5 friends or so stay in the ICU, a few more get admitted, and 1 die from covid.


“Government has stopped people from going to work,” Jordan said, citing reports about two people who were arrested after reopening their gym. He added, “Do you see the inconsistency though, Dr. Fauci?”

Fauci said there was “no inconsistency.” Jordan replied, “You’re allowed to protest — millions of people on one day, in crowds, yelling, screaming — but you try to run your business, you get arrested?”

Fauci, who appeared to be getting increasingly frustrated, said: “I don’t understand what you’re asking me, as a public-health official, to opine on who should get arrested or not. That’s not my position. You could ask me as much as you want, and I’m not going to answer it.”

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Good. I keep reminding myself that people feeling angry or ashamed because they encounter boundaries they don’t like isn’t the same as me shaming them for me having those boundaries. As much as they will try to blame you for their feelings, it’s not true. You are doing a good thing.

I went to the bank yesterday. One of the reps stood at the door and opened it on one side for me on my way out. I said, “No thanks, I’ll use the other door. You’re standing way too close.”

I also saw a kid walking up to the door not wearing a mask. I said, “Yikes.” I feel a little bad about that one.

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Oh I have no problem doing that. I’ve seen things. I’ve kicked people out for not wearing a mask. I’ve gotten them arrested for trespassing. I don’t care. The safety of me and my staff is paramount. End of discussion.


Best description of college I’ve heard in a while.


Friends of mine were arguing and one was lamenting that the social changes from the shutdown will be bad and long lasting or permanent. People will not relate as closely as they have. Relationships will not form. They specifically talked about college. The other just said, “I don’t care what the rules are, 20 year olds will figure out how to fuck.”


I spent 5 years of college being mostly useless. I don’t think I formed much of anything except a gut.

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The irony is if you had asked the same question nine months ago he likely would have given you space without much thought.


I’m well aware of what residents are thanks. The ranking just doesn’t make sense because of that imo

Shit like this is why I’m happy that I’ll miss the first week of the next school year.

I’m nearly 100% positive that most schools will have at least one positive student enrolled and get the whole school sick the first day or so.

Shit, being a parent must be terrible now.

You could work for the NYT


lol where’s the overlay for “school of 25,000”?

If they need somebody to report on Central and Eastern European politics, I’m only a few thousand miles away

Well let me take a step back then and take some encouragement from you to feel more confident in doing the same :+1:

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“NYT Education Specialist currently embedded in the Czech Republic”

Makes you sound even more trustworthy :P

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