COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

If these numbers are from a random sampling of recovered patients as opposed to just those who presented with cardiovascular issues, then that’s pretty terrifying. This is what I’m most concerned with seeing as I’m a 30 year old athlete with aspirations to play my sport competitively for a long time. Shit is scary.


A mock-up of one of those “My Child Is Student of the Month at Whatever Elementary” bumper stickers, except it says “My Child Didn’t Kill the Janitor at Whatever Elementary”.


Honestly when it comes to COVID I am less worried about dying than I am with having long term health impacts that make my suffering level higher for the rest of my probably somewhat shortened life. Seriously I’m already borderline morbidly obese (and had to lose 80 pounds to get there) and mildly mentally ill. I’m carrying enough suffering and don’t want any more lol.


As near as I can tell that study is a random sample but those things always read like greek to me so I may be wrong.

Yeah at our younger age, our odds of dying are very low.

But we have no fucking clue how much long term damage this may do to us nor what our odds are of getting that damage.

But at least people can get sweet tea refills and see each others’ smiles.

You hate to see it. A great nominee


*Of hospitalized covid-19 patients that have recovered.

Like, it’s bad, but it’s also not like this shows that an arbitrary asymptomatic case is going to drop dead while out grocery shopping due to an undiagnosed heart condition 6 months down the road.

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“ Of the 100 patients recently recovered from COVID-19, 67 (67%) recovered at home, while 33 (33%) required hospitalization.”

They noted a small difference between hospitalized an non hospitalized, but most people in the study were not hospitalized and they still had heart issues.

My mistake. I figured people identified by a hospital database had been patients there.

This is the biggest point right here. No matter how well the kids might do at social distancing/taking precautions, we cannot account for the stupidity of the parents who oversee those children.

Once again, Silicon Valley is going to be the country leader of innovation and progress

I have had a few friends get tested in Georgia in the last couple weeks, and it seems as though the turnaround time has gone to 1-3 days again (it was over a week for a while). This seems like a good sign, and makes me think the “leveling off” in Georgia is real rather than a function of testing capacity constraints.

I think it’s possible the leveling off may be a combo of mask usage going way up the last month combined with many people taking it more seriously as cases have surged but time will tell.


So he was contagious while at the hearing, spreading it to others

Selfishness knows no bounds

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Florida’s Department of Health on Wednesday confirmed 9,446 additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the state’s known total to 451,423. There were also 216 Florida resident deaths announced, setting another fatality record in the state for the second day in a row.

The statewide resident death toll is now at 6,333.

So new cases slightly up from yesterday.

I have a sneaky suspicion this never happened. Nice meme though.

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What do the number of tests look like?

Is the percentage of positive cases rising or has it plateaued?


It definitely is not going down. They did 9444 on 46570 tests for 20.27% positive. For one reason or another Florida is not doing as many tests now as they were 2-3 weeks ago.

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