COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I thought the post was delightful fwiw

Was afraid it would be taken the wrong way

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Things not going that brilliantly in Victoria. This is day 18 of lockdown and they recorded 459 new cases yesterday, a new record.

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Big graduation party 2 houses over. Big tent and bouncy castle. Didn’t see one mask. But it’s outside so it’s ok




Can’t be real

For a second I thought it was going to say get a babysitter because we don’t want to endanger your children.

this is horrible. B & C should be in separate ballrooms with a live video feed of the main hall


Thinking about that couple sitting around their table talking about different options and crafting that invite is putting me on tilt.


Median hospital stay for people who survive is less than 2 weeks.

80% of me thinks this is sad, 20% thinks it’s funny.

ok maybe I’m lying


Really? Have source? I’ve seen lots of people 1 month + in to a hospitalization and I don’t think you could know about the long term people yet really… especially in the era of dexamethasone working so well for the intubated patients.

The median length of hospitalization among survivors was 10 to 13 days.

Median hospital stay duration was 9.3 days; among non-survivors it was 12.7 days. For patients requiring critical care, the median duration of ICU stay was 10.6 days.

Both of those seem to be based on data from early Spring and may not reflect current trends. Just the second one actually. First is much earlier but was misleading because it’s dated at the top of the page to the most recent update.

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Outbreak in the town where I grew up (Colac). Surprise surprise its an abbatoir. My dad knows several positives.

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Jesus, people. How long is this going to hang over the plate?

Not only early data, but in China I think (on phone, looked at quickly a few beers in). Interesting nonetheless.

Also a ton of people who say masks don’t block everything from getting in so they’re pointless who want to build a 3,000 mile long wall to keep some, but not all, illegal immigrants from crossing the border.


I think this is going to be the final video I’ll post of what I showed the concept of last night. I think it’s clean, simple and gets all the points across I wanted to make. I have another version of this, but I think this easily wins out of the two. The people who selected Video 2 have won the poll and I made the new version based on that one.

As an additional FYI, Florida passed New York in the covidtracking stats today.


He claims he has gotten rid of some but I dont’t really believe him, he def had around 10 or so at one point and I would bet a lot of money he has 5+ still if not 10.