COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Some days I am thinking Kentucky is doing well. Then other days I see this posted

Seriously, if you are going to open up University of Kentucky to in class teaching, you have to fucking ban indoor bars and night clubs immediately.


DeSantis told conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, “I got a 3-year-old daughter, 2-year-old son, and a newborn daughter. And I can tell you if they were school age, I would have zero concern sending them.”

Scott seemed clear this week that his grandchildren wouldn’t be going into classrooms any time soon


The NSW Supreme Court ruled today that a planned BLM protest is illegal. The NSW Police sought to make it illegal, this was challenged in court by organisers, but the police won. I guess we’ll see if it still goes ahead.

Seeing all these brave politicians got me all nostalgic …

At the height of the BSE (mad cow disease) scare 30 years ago British Agriculture Minister John Gummer feeds his 4 year old daughter a burger.


Apparently if you have a government and populace that isn’t stupid, you get to have live sports with massive crowds.


We love our Darwin nominees

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See? Even when you are careful and wear a mask you just get it anyway!


BLM protest in Sydney is going ahead even though the judge said they can’t. It is in the Domain with plenty of room to social distance so they say social distancing rules for outside gatherings won’t be breached. Question now is if the police will let them or close the park which is the only location the protests can be held that way.

Man you know things are bad when the Czech government runs 6,000+ tests on a Saturday rather than their usual 1,500 or so. Hell, they weren’t even running that many tests on a Saturday or Sunday during the state of emergency.

They also took down a bunch of numbers related to total recoveries. Makes me wonder if a bunch of people beat covid and never bothered to go in for a follow-up test to confirm it. The conspiratorial side says that they’ll “find” these recoveries and keep playing down the second wave.

Don’t they know that if they run fewer tests they’ll have fewer cases? Should’ve done 750 yesterday.


How many days was he in a regular hospital ward? And then how many in the ICU on oxygen? And then how many on a ventilator?

I think you know the answers!



NBA player gets permission to leave the bubble (apparently to attend a funeral), makes a quick stop at the strip club. Millions of dollars on the line and your team is in the running for a championship, but can’t pass up some naked women and chicken wings…


“Groups B & C: Please keep a close watch on our wedding website for notice that we have space available”


Does this website have acceptable gifts? For assholes

Uh…no, it’s not.

I’d loved to have seen another woman put on leather gloves behind her as she was saying this… :nerd_face:

This might have the highest LFPW (logical fallacy per word) ratio of anything ever published. Impressive.


My friend that went to Florida last week tested positive today…Missouri on the rise!

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